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Fargo R 1996 ‧ Crime/Thriller ‧ 1h 35m

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Hey Josh, have you seen the movie Interstellar?

Mr K

Love this film! The music always plays in my head on the rare occasions that it snows here. 🙂 Oh, one of the Coen Brothers admitted it wasn't a true story a few years ago. 🙂


The series is very good of this to. Or atleast series 1. It's got extra things added, enough to make a new experience but still stays pretty true to the original. The extra episodes allows for stronger character building

Tony Smyth

Every time I watch this movie I see something I never saw before. I love it!


The film's not actually based on a true story, Josh. It's purely a work of fiction. The Coens put that "based on a true story" title card at the start because they wanted the film to have the feeling of being a true-crime drama. As the Coens themselves said on the matter “We wanted to make a movie just in the genre of a true story movie. You don't have to have a true story to make a true story movie.”


It's layered, it was made that way- Ben Stiller


Wow Josh so nice and early with this one Thanks. Great film and reaction as others have said everytime watching this film something I missed pops up. Great stuff.


Josh: You corrected yourself at the beginning of the reaction by saying Fargo isn't a comedy, but it is. It's a crime thriller/comedy. It's just that the comedy is lowkey and often darkly humorous. The Coen Brothers often straddle the genre lines in their films.

Alexander Bond

Fantastic. Like most Cohen's films, you get more out of it after several viewings. Glad you're getting to enjoy some true classics.


Yeah, series 1 is great! Series 3 is worth a watch simply because of David Thewlis character and performance.


Hey Josh, any chance you could add the first season of the Fargo TV series to the list? Its an anthology show, so each season is set in a different era and location with a different set of actors. The first series is excellent, but the rest are simply okay at best. Also, could you add the first season of True Detective to the list? Again, this is also an anthology show and doesn't require the other seasons for completion or continuity, and like Fargo the first season is great and the rest simply mediocre.


I think this strange, dreamlike film has a good claim to being one of the greatest movies ever made. There is not a single wasted second. Every performance is exquisite, it has a score that haunted me from the first second I heard it as a kid, it's visually stunning and its plot is perfectly formed. It has almost no real cliches, it's an existential film, but it ends with a metaphorical curl of smoke from a log cabin chimney, just a sweet smidgen of hope in a cold world. It's funny and extremely dark, and it has some incredible shots. The lingering, panned out scene where he has to trudge across the snowy carpark is stunning, but my favourite is when Steve Buscemi shoots the father and there's a little puff of duck feathers as he keels over, framed against the pitch black of the night. I'll stop because I'm gushing, but one last word for the soundtrack. The absence of that particular melody from the Fargo tv series turned me off from the direction it was going in, because the music's so bound up with the film's identity, and its weird little universe. I don't know why the TV show changed the music, but that was one of the many things that stopped me from getting along with it. Anyway, incredible film. I love Inside Llewyn Davis too, along with No Country, but this is probably the Coen's best film. Probably.


Well, it's a toss-up between this and Mean Machine surely. And the latter paired the acting titans Danny Dyer and Vinnie Jones, so maybe the balance swings a little in its favour.


It's actually not a true story

Chris H

I never really understood the hype when I first saw Fargo so I thought I'd give it a second try. I think I'm possibly the only person in the world that still doesn't rate this movie. I don't dislike it, I just don't think it's that great either.


Love this film. The "true story" claim makes it more impactful when you're watching it for the first time, especially when the body count is rising. Kinda glad that turned out to be nonsense, but it makes you enjoy it in a different way on repeat viewings.


The thing I noticed this time around was that when the cops knock on the motel door at the end of the film to arrest Jerry, they ask "Mr. Anderson?" and Jerry responds "who?!". The joke being that Jerry is such an idiot that he didn't even remember the alias with which he signed into the motel under.


I love how this movie shows the best of humanity in Frances Mcdormand's police officer, and the worst of humanity with Steve Buscemi and the other guy. I find it really moving how at the end Mcdomand can't understand why they would kill so many people just for money. She clearly valued her family life above all of that. It's also interesting how the film makes you empathise for William H. Macy's character as he gets deeper into trouble, despite the fact that what he's done is pretty bad. It really is a masterpiece of filmmaking and story, and I'm glad there's still filmmakers out there like the Coen Brothers that make independent movies away from the studio system. I hope you can add some more Coen Brother films to the movie poll, as they're consistently brilliant. I hope their movie Raising Arizona can get added at some point also.


The first series is great and has an important link to the film. The second series has a link to the first, quite a big one actually. Series 3 is good as well. 4 is complete trash and I had to turn it off. Definitely worth watching. FYI, Marge definitely got the message about the lake otherwise there was no reason to swing by. Francis McDormand won the best actor Oscar for this.


Going to add, as I try to in every comment, you have to watch Spaced. Forget the poll, just make an executive decision to watch it. There is nothing more suited to your taste with all its comic book/ super hero references and influences. It really is one of the great British sitcoms.

Chris H

I'm surprised this hasn't made out through the polls yet. Mind you, outside my circle of friends nobody I mention it to ever seems to have seen it. It's definitely right up Josh's Street.

Callum Guy

I would also love to see fargo the show on the poll, and spaced has to happen. It's way better than the shows josh is currently watching.


I agree that this is their best film, and it makes my top ten list of favourite movies. I rate No Country and Big Lebowski next. Burn After Reading is not their best film but is very funny and would probably be a good watch for Josh. I personally found Inside Llewyn and A Serious Man too ordinary, dour and unfunny and find these my least favourite of the Coen Brothers films, except Hail Caesar, which I though was absolute shite.


I have a interesting film recommend to offer its a movie called Football Factory and Green Street . They are movies About the Hooligans As the press calls them lol. They are people that Have a Adrenalin fulled interest in their teams , that is soccer as called in The United States of America . Have great fun if and when you watch them ill be watching too :-) X

Tracy Frazier

I would like to second the recommendation for the Coen’s early, wacky comedy Raising Arizona. It has a comic, Looney Tunes aspect that I think you would love.