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Gavin and Stacey

Today I will be reacting to - Thank you for watching folks make sure you subscribe to my channel for more reactions. Also, click the link below to subscribe to my other channel as well 🔻Click Below to subscribe it's Free !!!🔻 https://www.youtube.com/c/Afterworkreactions?sub_confirmation=1



been waiting for this one - my absolute favourite episode!

Manly Stump

Wow, I had no idea this episode had a title! I just knew it as a Christmas special!


This is such a good special man, always makes me laugh

Michael Harrop

'She's just hurt I never told her, she says a Shipman never keeps secrets' That's a joke based on the surnames of the characters being serial killers. Harold Shipman was a Doctor who killed hundreds of his patients all under the nose of his family and friends. One of the darker jokes in the show 😅

Michael Harrop

I love this special so much, James and Ruth do such a great job in the writing of this show of observing traditions and quirks that families have. They made this such a accurate and charming representation of a British Christmas, I look forward to watching this every year

Michael Harrop

You're spot on about Dave, while I do think he is a bit unnecessarily unsympathetic to Smithy wanting to spend time with his son in this episode. Hes a good guy who has a genuine connection and love with Nessa. The audience naturally roots for Smithy just because hes one of our main characters. But Dave hasnt really done anything wrong here.


So much to say. Echoing others, this is a favourite of mine too. Right from the beginning, when Dave tells the ‘crowds’ waiting to see Father Christmas to ‘calm down’ 🤣 This episode is where the Carpool Karaoke concept started, I believe. Off the back of this episode, ‘Smithy’ did a carpool clip for Comic Relief with George Michael, and the rest, as they say, is history! There’s a LOT of references in this episode that is mostly known in the UK, but Josh you do such an amazing job in learning and asking for explanations on such points. Larry Lamb, aka Mick, played a lead character in Eastenders years ago and so him asking when the Eastenders special is on is a nod to that. Every time I hear the Band Aid song, at the right moment I shout ‘GAVALAAAA’! Merry Monday Patreon friends, and to Josh too of course 🎄 Another great reaction!x


FYI, they are watching an episode of Noel's Christmas Presents. Noel Edmonds is a well known TV star here. He did a programme that was broadcast on Xmas day where he would surprise and give gifts to needy or worthy or special people. Was always very heavy on the emotion and always had my mum and nan in tears watching it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noel%27s_Christmas_Presents


No, you’re right…he hasn’t has he. However, the ‘right’ and ‘respectful’ thing to do might be to encourage Neil…The Baby (🤣) to be with Smithy, and step back from being so parental, at least in front of him. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for parents to be apart from their children for weeks at a time. It’s horrible. So is he wrong, in my opinion, not on paper, but morally, yes.x


Chris ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Oh yes, great fact! Even better is that this exact fact comes up in The Royle Family. They refer to Noel Crinkly Bottom! I think it’s Nana that says it.

Steve Small

Hey Josh. Great reaction! Thanks. The slur you were talking about Pam making was that she called them "Taffs". This is actually an affectionate term for Welsh people. When I was in the Navy, every Welsh fella was known by the nickname "Taff". But the way Pam delivers it, leaves you (and them) under no illusion that it was intended as an insult.


The scene with Gavin only giving a small present is more of a relatable throwaway joke than an actual plot point, as I think it's quite common for couples or familes to promise only small presents, only for one to break that rule. It's a very weird situation where promises are made, yet the person who doesn't stick to that promise is disappointed that the other hasn't done the same. With regards to Uncle Bryn, I really think that he's asexual, as he's always lived a single life and always put family above himself. I think the references to him being gay are just social commentary on how people like to jump to conclusions because of other's tastes and mannerisms, when it's not always that clear (or important). It would be really sad if Bryn was unable to accept his sexuality and find someone, but I get the impression that he finds happiness in supporting his family, and being good to others above all, which is a really nice thing.

Steve Small

Even Dawn and Pete are named after a murderer (as you find out in this episode). Their surname is "Sutcliffe", named after Peter Sutcliffe - the English serial killer, dubbed "The Yorkshire Ripper".


Oh oh oh.... Merry Christmas always gets me lol


Really hoping for Spaced when this ends... Can't be long now

David Lyons

I saw Rob Brydon live on Saturday, he was singing songs, telling jokes and stories, was great! He actually did a bit in character as Uncle Bryn, and someone in the audience shouted out "What happened on the fishing trip?!" 😂 His response was quoting the earlier line about it involving hanging upside down and being illegal in certain countries (probably butchered that but you get the gist).


This was really enjoyable :) Nessa as Father Christmas 😂 oh oh oh. Wow seeing them play Guess Who really makes me want to see if my mum still has my old game somewhere! That was my favourite when I was little and I played it so much I learnt the order of the characters on all the rows on both boards lol (what a saddo child) deffo want a game of that over Christmas if she still has it 😁


Dave really hasn’t done anything wrong (other than be a bit unsympathetic to smithy’s feelings). He suits Nessa and generally and has his heart in the right place. He also didn’t deserve to be punched in the face for standing up for nessa - Pam instigated the whole thing with her crazy reaction! When bryn says to Dave “we are going to have it out right here, right now” about the fishing trip. That was bit weird as It was Bryn who told dave what happened, it’s dave who spends most his time avoiding talking about it! He also clearly kept his promise not to tell anyone. I think part of the charm of the show is there are no ‘bad’ guys as such.

Joe S

As others have said the Christmas song they both sing is band aid but after that when he screams ‘ITS CHRISTMAS’ that references a different british Christmas song by Slade where the singer screams that at one point

Joe S

Also Mick mentioning the ‘Eastenders’ special is because the actor Larry Lamb was also in eastenders at the time as well as the biggest character at that time and in that actual episode on Christmas day too. So he as an actor dominated Christmas day tv that year lol


I see everyone missed the joke about Bryn giving Jason a Han(d) Solo for Xmas


Nessa talking to that little boy reminded me of Christmas '99. We were super broke when I was young, but that year, aged 5, I asked for a PlayStation. Christmas day I opened my present from my parents and there it was....a Sega MegaDrive. I didn't know though at first, as I'd never seen a PlayStation, only heard people talk about them at school, so I thought it was a PlayStation. My parents obviously couldn't afford a PlayStation back then, even with my uncles employee discount, as he was Store Manager at GameStation. They could afford a second-hand MegaDrive though, with an extra controller and a few games. I loved it! I remember I had Fantasia, Sunset Riders, Road Rash II, Sonic, and the really hard Lion King game. I did later get a PlayStation, as they managed to get a flashed PSOne for my birthday in 2002. That's when I fell in love with my favourite game of all time, Final Fantasy VII, which was lent to me by a family friend, but he let me keep it!