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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Red Dwarf



Whilst not the best series mainly due to ruining the entire concept of red drawf it does have some funny moments. It does though have some bad slapstick humor over the morewhitty stuff red dwarf is known for and this series definitely drags a lot. Speaking of red dwarf Craig Charles recently tested positive for covid:( ( follow him on twitter, sent a tweet, hope he nuts this smegger to oblivion).


I don't buy the "ruining the whole concept" part. Situations change, new plots and challenges come along. It's growth, adding complexity to the adventure and narrative. It's healthy to try different things and the nature of Red Dwarf allows you to try pretty much anything. Sure it's patchier than say series 2-6, but I don't find turning the 'last human alive' on its head one of the problems here.


Why is the muffin Rimmer gives Captain Hollister clearly branded as being a Tesco muffin?! This whole series is like they weren't even trying. The prop department was told they needed to get a muffin and they sent a runner to a local Tesco's to buy one and then they left the branding on it. Like the entirety of series VIII; it's just so damn lazy.


Duane dibbley is a great character but why is cat so happy to pretend to be him in this when he hates being Duane dibbley unless maybe he’s just more excited he thought up a disguise


Meh. Things like this crop up in things all the time. When you look at the overall production values you’ll see it’s hardly lazy. For a BBC budget, they pushed the boundaries and it looks great IMO.


Kochanski also shouldn't even know who Dwayne Dibley is! Fan service at its worse.


I don’t understand the joke about having sexual magnetism on one hand but the luck virus curing it? I would of thought it would work the other way and make lister doubly likely to get it on with Kochanski


I hate what the did to Kochanski's character in this series. In series VII, she was an intelligent, strong woman. In series VIII, they removed all of her character traits and turned her into 'woman'. That's literally her role in this; a woman. A woman with no depth or personality. She exists to be ogled at by the male cast members. In this episode she is cuddling a stuffed animal toy. She's not even a woman anymore, she's a little girl!


Well, they're on the run, so any distractions could hamper their escape. That takes precedence over anything else.

Manly Stump

It's funny how much was spelled out in the trial scene where they all huddled together to "look like they know what they're doing". Captain Hollister literally asks them if they consent to the use of mind-altering drugs!

Cedric Bombs

Once again, I have to say I'm enjoying series 8 a lot more than I remember

Cedric Bombs

She was only cuddling the toy because her actress was nervous and it helped her calm down (it was her first ever scene in front of an audience)

Adam C Turek

The Sexual Magnetism virus hasn't aged well, it's basically a roofy. Also why on earth there was a room with lab coats, brooms and false teeth, i'll never know... granted it's not real but it's still a bit of a cop out. All that being said, i still enjoy this series, we've still more development to come...


been a big red dwarf fan since I was a kid... was a fan club member and loved it - liked s8 at first but in hindsight not a big fan - too many cheezy eps for me (kryten tv is the worst ep imo)... but not many scenes have made me piss myself as much as the rimmer salute in this ep haha


It can happen man once a show runs a long time sometimes the later seasons aren't as good. But I have been enjoying this season so far.


I remember not liking this series much at the time but after watching the rest of the show it is a nice little break from the norm.


I like how Kryten's default setting is a posh British accent, which is a nod to the original Kryten in Series 2.


I may be wrong, but that watch looked like Storm watch. They do some quite unique looking watches, and that looked like an older style they used to do: https://stormwatches.com/mens/all-styles?product_list_limit=all


Omg, thanks a ton I couldn't find anything about them. I took screenshots of the captain's wrist and found a picture of Rimmer from season 8 and his watch looks different. The captain looks like the V2 navigator https://stormwatches.com/v2-navigator-black/ and Rimmers looks like the camera V6 grey https://stormwatches.com/mens/all-styles/camera-v6-grey/ maybe. Thanks again for the website its full of awesome unique watches.

Mick Mills

So good, into season 8 now.

Mick Mills

I'm all caught up and very nice to see Josh's take on season 8. I know he would never say it but season 7 was a bit of bomb really.