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This was such a fun, funny, heartwarming, and inspirational movie. I love that it was heavy on the comedy light on the romance. Sometimes romance can be a bit cheesy for my taste lol. I covered most of what I wanted to cover at the end of the movie. I hope everyone is having a fantastic Sunday !!

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Run Fatboy Run PG13 2007 Romance/Comedy

Today I will be reacting to - Thank you for watching folks make sure you subscribe to my channel for more reactions. Also, click the link below to subscribe to my other channel as well 🔻Click Below to subscribe it's Free !!!🔻 https://www.youtube.com/c/Afterworkreactions?sub_confirmation=1


Gareth Hood

With one good film this month, maybe 2, let’s make sure all vote well for September folks, mines will be for 80s classics 😆


ok guys you heard him, let's not vote for any 80s 'classics' at all then.


Oh dear. Dreadful film.

Andy Farmer

Yesss! I love this film!


Enjoyable film :) Ignore the whiners !


Side note on the cheesy romance thing - I feel that in alot of British 'rom-coms', the romance part of it often takes a backseat to the comedy, and often even to the character development aspects . There are films that one might technically call 'romantic comedies'... but in reality, the romance part is largely there as more of a 'meaningful plot device', in what is otherwise more of a 'character development', 'social' or even 'purely comedy' focused story. Having said that, if you're really not into the romance stuff, you might still find these movies to be still just a little too 'borderline' for your tastes. Wouldn't blame you if that was the case... Although maybe people will be voting for them now anyway - just to torture you ;) !!


Really enjoyed this Josh and your reaction... The Irish actor you liked who was his trainer is also one of the main characters in Black Books that's been in the polls a few times, where he's even funnier. Hopefully it will get voted in one day as it's a really great show.


Yesssss totally forgot this was on the list! Thanks Josh 🙏


So why comment, and not just move along to something you do like?


Totally unrealistic.... I mean, there's not one single man on this green earth that would ditch Thandiwe Newton.


man up staring pegg is also freaking brillaint. its another romance movie but similar to this the romance is just a backdrop, its not the focal point. the joy just comes from the sheer british bonkers-ness that ensues. hopefully itll get added to a poll soon enough


I was happy to see you enjoy and laugh at his friend Gordon as he is the same actor that plays the main character in the show Black Books which hopefully will get voted in one day. It's been close a few times but has been less popular in recent polls. Fingers crossed it'll win soon as I think based off this you could really enjoy it and it's a funny show

Tony Smyth

Do you mean the Irish actor? The one from Ireland? The bloke who acts? uɐɹoɯ uɐlʎp. or something like that? Was he in Fr. Ted? If he won an Olympic medal tomorrow he'd be a Brit.

Best Pranks 69

Love to see it like 50 times and still entertains me every time

Jack Veazey

Was a good watch, I do like a simon pegg film

David Lyons

Loved seeing all the cameos I'd forgotten were in this. Pretty sure the overenthusiastic news voiceover was Peter Serafinowicz! Although if it's an underrated Pegg movie you want, I'd have to recommend Big Nothing, a dark comedy that also features David Schwimmer (who directed Run Fatboy Run!)


I was offline for the past couple of weeks and didn't get to watch this when it was first posted, so just watched it now. Given how late I am you probably won't even see this comment! I did vote for this, because I love Simon Pegg, but I haven't seen it in years. The biggest laugh for me was his response to the reporter; the breathless "How the fuck do you think I feel!?", but another big laugh for me wasn't a line from the movie, it was your line "Will I get fit after watching this movie, I will not, but I was inspired enough to think about doing it", that was hilarious lol I feel the same, put on a bit of weight during the pandemic but I'm not sure I'm about to start running marathons! Glad you enjoyed this Josh, August was a great month for comedy movies on this channel, didn't watch Dead Man's Shoes because I come here for laughs mainly. This months movies aren't really my thing but no biggie, I'll get to vote next time!