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Wow, This movie was out of control . Just 6 or so minutes into the movie and I was surprised and tickled at the same time. This movie is so entertaining throughout. I went from did he really just say that, to this is hilarious, to what the heck is happening lol. This was such a  refreshing fun ride of unfiltered comedy. I know there are people who wouldn't want me to make this caparison but I'm going to do it anyway lol. I think the last time I watch something that really pushed boundaries similar to this film was The Chapelle Show. With sketches such as the Niggar family, The Black-white supremacist, Time-traveling pimps, and more. This was a fantastic film and I enjoyed it a ton. I hope everyone is having a fantastic Sunday !!! 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Blazing Saddles R 1974 ComedyWestern

Today I will be reacting to - Thank you for watching folks make sure you subscribe to my channel for more reactions. Also, click the link below to subscribe to my other channel as well 🔻Click Below to subscribe it's Free !!!🔻 https://www.youtube.com/c/Afterworkreactions?sub_confirmation=1



Such a classic!

Manly Stump

I've never actually seen this, seems like a good opportunity!


My brother and I used to watch this fantastic movie when we were kids on a crappy vhs home recording. At that age, (about 10,11 ) ....99 percent of the jokes went straight over our heads. God knows how we got away with watching it, far too young, but we loved it! I adore Gene Wilder in anything


Agreed. Gene Wilder was absolute class, such a talented comedy actor. This is a great film.


Been waiting for this!

Ryan Lynch

Never seen this, only watched clips, so will enjoy a watchalong later


Really looking forward to this reaction. One of the greatest comedies of all time, and something that would never be made today. The combination of Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder is always amazing. Richard Prior was Brooks initial choice to play Bart, but the studio wouldn't agree to this as Richard was far too controversial at the time, but he contributed to the script and constantly encouraged the inclusion of the racially offensive language whenever Brooks started getting cold feet.

(Just) Steve

And this is why we need Josh to watch Spaceballs - Mel Brooks + Sci-Fi. Vote for Spaceballs next time! I'm glad you could enjoy the movie for what it is, whereas narrow minded people just hear the racist language and condemn it based on that alone. I very much doubt this movie could be made today because all of the focus would be on the racist language, despite the fact that the movie is poking fun at racists as those characters are all inbred and dumb as shit!


Been looking forward to this as I’d noticed before you find the N-bomb funny in the right context 😂. Not seen this film for years but always found it very funny. It’s clearly attacking racism (and spoofing old western films) but in a way that just wouldn’t happen today. If you enjoyed this then another film for the poll I’d suggest is Mel Brooks’ first film The Producers (the original 1967 version not the 2005 remake) also starring Gene Wilder….it’s also similarly controversial but very funny and was even referenced a couple of times in this film. By the way Randolph Scott was an actor who starred in several western films. Thanks Josh really enjoyed watching this again with you.

Mike Doel

It’s a great movie and well loved over here, dare I say with a British of humour. See No Evil Hear no evil is a must for you Gene Wilder again and Richard Pryor a great combination and very funny

Mr K

There are some good moments, but never really liked this film, same for other Mel Brooks films. Ah well.


There was a joke cut from the film, that even Brooks thought they wouldn't be able to get away with. It was during the seduction scene with Madeline Kahn, where her character repeats 'It's true...', Bart replies, 'I hate to disappoint you Ma'am, but you're sucking on my arm.'


Mel Brooks has always been unapologetic with his comedy. When asked what he'd say to anyone that was offended by his comedy, he told the reporter that he'd reply with "up yours!". He is a genius in using comedy to highlight the stupidity of racism, bigotry and fascism, yet some people would rather be offended by the jokes, without understanding the context behind it. Something that's sorely missing these days. As a Jewish man who was actually on the front lines in WW2, Brooks has always stated that the best way to defeat bigotry is to make a mockery of it. It was his way of defeating Hitler's fascism, and he was well aware of America's treatment of Native Americans, Chinese and black immigrants. Blazing Saddles was partly a response to the trite American Western movies of the 50's and 60's that portrayed the Native Americans as the bad guys and the Christian God loving white folk as the good guys, which is a point that gets lost on many people who just see it as a crude comedy. I'd love to see Hollywood movies go back to days like this, where the audience isn't treated like idiots, and isn't catered to through ticked boxes or altered for fear of "offense", because beside the brilliant comedy, Blazing Saddles is a really affective anti racism movie.

David Lyons

Since that lady was a singer with a speech impediment, instead of Elmer Fudd, what sprang into my mind was the "cwying" guy from Only Fools!

Alexander Bond

Before even watching this I'm going to make a prediction that Josh splits his sides at several points.

Tony Smyth

I envy anyone who's seeing this for the first time, and would encourage them to watch it again immediately. And send a link to their grandchildren, and their grandchildren's children. There are too many subtle jokes in this movie. I've watched it more than10 times so far and it keeps getting funnier.

Tony Smyth

Gimme a thumbs Up or de nigga gets it.

Tony Smyth

best moivie EVER, hundrred per fucking cent


Stir Crazy - Top 5 comedy film for me - cant wait until that wins

Tony Smyth

Good call. It's a perfect fit for this site. I'm sure Josh will LOVE it just as much as we do.


THANKYOU JOSH FOR WATCHING THIS. I didn't get this notification first but I found this through movie vote post. More I wach this film more I pick up bits I missed. One of Brooks best films and it breaks more walls than deadpool, lol. Glad you enjoyed this Josh and thanks again for a brilliant reaction. Cleavon Little and Gene Wildur really made this film. Brooks did do a film with Leslie Nielson and Petrr Mcnichol and the actor who played hedley and Brooks had a more central role ( Dracula: dead and loving it. Very funny film. Also the actress who played Marian and the woman who had to watch her were also in that film ).


Continued: Oh yeah the joke about the Irish still makes me laugh, made me think what do you mean you don't want us lol ( I'm half Irish and that really made me laugh ). I do feel it's a shame that we can't laugh at ourselves anymore for fear of upsetting someone ( used to be that way when I was younger, couldn't take a joke, too serious but I mellowed out over time ).