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Great start to season 7 I really enjoyed this episode . I  really appreciate you folks giving me the link to the alternative ending for the last episode of season 6 it was great. I know there are mixed reviews when it comes to the show going forward but I am still excited. This episode has an interesting story, involving time travel just to get some Indian food lol. Also, Lister got it butt beat by the crew what more can you ask for lol. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Red Dwarf



Excited to see your reaction to S7. For many fans it seems to be one of their (if not THE) least favourite series. However, as an 11 year old back in 97, this was the first series I ever watched - before going back and watching the rest - so I really have a soft spot for it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Kieran B

Advocaat is a bit like eggnog, not quite the same but the nearest equivalent


season 7 is brilliant !!!

Scott sage

Never heard this season with a laugh track before , a bit off putting tbh, still good


I don't know why people have to repeatedly slag things off. We get it, move on. As with each of RD's series they feel different. S7 takes the biggest leap since S3. Sometimes it works very well, sometimes not so well. There's a bit more of a comedy-drama feel than a full-on sitcom, but as you can tell from this episode it can result in a really nicely made show. The lack of live audience and single-camera shooting makes it look quite different too. (The laugh track is a real reaction of an audience watching the show, and was there on original boradcast). Many of these changes were in an attempt to build up to a feature film, which ultimately never happened.


Have to agree with you, the whining is getting too repetitive. If they don't like, just move on, Josh has plenty more content they can watch and enjoy.


Absolutely brilliant episode. Unlike Josh, I don't usually like time travelling story lines but with Red Dwarf they do it so over the top it is hilarious. And a curry hunt isn't the run of the mill time tripping story. Kryten without his moral chip was just so good in this episode. Bring on the next one.

Kieran B

There’s plenty I do enjoy about series 7 so I prefer to focus on that rather than moaning about what I don’t, it’s not like Doug is going to go back and rewrite and re-film it just for me or anyone…


I've never heard "Rodney Kinged" as a verb before... Must admit I laughed more at that than anything else you've ever said Josh! Bit dark but I suppose that's on me... Hahaha


The ending seems to relate to the conspiracy theory "Badge Man on the Grassy Knoll" if you google the image you will see why Kennedy was dressed as a Police Officer

Andy Farmer

Great episode, I love series 7 it`s underrated in my opinion just different but amazing. I still think after all these years that they did a fantastic job at recreating the assassination footage in this show, wow


Extended ending https://youtu.be/nkQMc_CuPdY

Si Burdett

Tikka to Ride is a bonafide Red Dwarf classic. The chemistry between the guys at this time is evident, the comedy is on point. Kryten absolutely steals the show “you bet your ass!” kills me everytime! Season 7 is very different, much glossier and a step up in production. I think that turned some of the hardcore fans off who saw it as moving away from its sitcom roots into something else. Personally I think each season has offered something new and different which to be fair, is why it’s lasted over 30 years. That’s no small achievement!

Mr K

I much preferred the style of this season, shame they've added a laugh track. I never really liked the series once Rob Grant stopped writing it, sadly. Some interesting ideas, but just never really worked from here on, for me. Ah well.


From what I remember reading years ago Josh, the reason the alternate ending was cut is because the footage was leaked to the fans (a.k.a Dwarfers) before the episode was actually first broadcast. That's the reason why they replaced it with the cliffhanger ending. Also some interesting info, Out of Time's original airdate was the same day as my 5th birthday!


Looking back on Series 7's episodes on IMDB, there's at least three episodes which rank up there with my favourites. They are the ones that stick with the more traditional Red Dwarf style (trying to be careful with my wording), but it does make me realise that the criticisms given over the S7 were a little unfair. I think the lack of laughter track was the most jarring, so I'm glad they added it back in. Also, after the long break between series, I think comedy in general had moved on, so at the time it felt a bit old fashioned. I'm looking forward to being proven wrong over this series.


Josh, Like a lot of people I came over to your Patreon after watching great reactions on your YouTube channel so I'd like to congratulate you on hitting 100,000 subscribers.


It's weird, because I felt it didn't work without a laughter track. Each to their own I guess.


The laughter track was always there originally. It’s only some subsequent edits that don’t have it. But I agree, Series 7 does have some great movements which some seem to overlook.


I enjoyed this more than I remember it. The constant curry references are a bit annoying and there's some major plot holes but this is red dwarf I suppose so we have to let them go. I actually don't remember much about this series so it'll be interesting watching it back.


For anyone arguing this season isn't worth a damn I'll say six words - 'he will never need a zimmer'. Hopefully that was a spoiler free reminder of, hands down, one of the greatest sequences in Red Dwarf history. No season with that in it can ever be written off entirely.


Red Dwarf without plot holes would be like the Universe without black holes. The thing with Red Dwarf is that you can notice the gaping flaws in the plot line and ignore them because you're laughing too much at everything else.

Adam C Turek

I'm surprised no one has brought up one of the big reasons for the 3 year gap, it's depressing but for the sake of trivia here we go. Craig Charles (Lister) had to do Prison time due to Falsely being accused of Rape. Once found not guilty he was released early but while he was in there he was close to getting shived, so the whole thing was a nightmare for him to deal with during and after. He turned it into the theme of his stand up tour (which is free on youtube for anyone interested https://youtu.be/yEWGs5wPHRs ) - Once time had passed and word spread he was innocent it made Red Dwarf seem more likely to happen, as you couldn't really do the show without him, it'd be like trying to do Father Ted without Ted (which some random Channel 4 exec tried to suggest before getting shot down by Linehan)

Stu T

Didn't realise there was negativity around this season. I absolutely love it, it was the only season I ever had on VHS back when I was young. Speaking of that VHS, it had a laugh track on it back in the day (~year 2000). I remember the first time I ever saw Ref Dwarf without a laugh track being the Just The Episodes Dvd collection years later and it ruined it for me.


Great episode, reaction and review. Josh I nearly fell off my chair (LMAO) when you said he got Rodney kinged


Advocaat is egg nog.. I guess it's the dutch name that we use in the UK. I live in Switzerland these days and they call it egg cognac here. Looking forward to rewatching series 7 with you :) It was a bit weird at the time due to the gap (which was hell to wait through wanting more RD!), but the main thing that niggled me at the time was the switch to CGI from incredible looking practical model shots (some earlier episodes were remastered with CGI around this time too). But it's a good season in retrospect! The "it's that man we found" bit in this ep has always cracked me up

Sean O'Donnell

This episode gets better each time I watch it.


Eggnog usually has milk/cream in it, Advocaat doesn't. They start off basically the same though.


Yeah the timing can be a bit off with no pause for laughter occasionally. But if i recall correctly, the audio of the audience is a separate reactionary track recorded after the filming ceased.


Oh wow that is terrible. Good thing he was able to be found innocent and be released from prison. Thanks for the link I will check it out.


I'm actually really looking forward to this and the next season.. I was young when I watched Red Dwarf, and some of my best memories from it, are in these seasons. I was unaware of writer leaving, had no bias or expectation. I just remember some great episodes and scenes. I have a feeling you will enjoy them, so will be fun to see the reactions.


I was going to roll my eyes at this one because it's another cliche.... but they handled it well.

Izzy of Albion

I'm one of those people who like Red Dwarf less from season 7 onwards. There are a number of issues. The first of which is that Rob Grant left the writing team, as you mentioned. Every episode up to the start of 7 had been written by Grant and Naylor, and I felt like the show had grown with its audience. Well, I don't know if Grant had had a steadying influence on this, if it was Naylor left to his own devices, or the influence of the new writer(s) brought in, but the show suddenly seemed to be aimed more at children. It felt to me as if they were aiming to capture a new generation of young fans. Too many moments of silly faces and silly walks. It got a bit slapstick. We had gone from the first episodes where the cast were barely actors at all, doing their best to act their comedy roles straight, to quite experienced actors hamming the place up. The whole feel of the show changed as a result. It felt like Red Dwarf for the under 10's. Panto almost, and the expansive nature of the plot lines was not enough to compensate for this new style. It just all felt jarringly unfamiliar to me. Anyway, that's my take. Series 1 will always have a special place in my heart. It was low budget back then, small, but unique and well written. Series 4, 5 and 6 are the peak for me in terms of story, script and performance. After that, I just try to enjoy it as best I can. I hope Josh, because you don't have the nostalgia that we do, that all of this is new for you, that you can enjoy it without any of the hangups that many of us have. Keep 'em coming!


Why can't people just not post spoilers? Josh has actively asked for things not to be spolied. If you want to rant and talk about things, talk about them AFTER they've appeared in the show.

Steve The Wang Monkey

1st of the new ones watched. That was fun, slightly different feel, but liked they're trying something a bit new. Looking forward to more!