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It was awesome to see Flash Heart in this one , he's such a great character. I didn't compare it but if felt like he was a given a lot more screen time in this episode compared to season 2 episode 1. Though Blackadder and Baldrick peppered in some good jokes , Flash Heart was the highlight of this episode. He's already such a funny over the top character it seemed like they dialed him up a bit more for this episode . The dude seemed to have an English bag of huge dong jokes lmao . When they said woof and Baldrick put out a pitiful bark it cracked me up . Another good joke was the one below because it took about a minute to really pay off , it was silly but it cracked me up lol Baldrick's great . 

Flash-" You could even bring the breath monster here. Anyone can be a navigator if he can tell his arse from his elbow."

Blackadder-Well, that’s Baldrick out, I fear . . .

Baldrick-Yeah, be better than just sitting around here all day on our

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

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My favourite line is "Get inside her five times a day and take her to heaven and back"


Can't believe how fast Blackadder is going by! Looking forward to watching this Josh, really glad you seem to be enjoying this show :)


I've been so looking forward to this episode, it's definitely one of my favorites 😊


Such a fantastic episode! I haven't watched yet as I've just ordered my dinner so I'll watch it shortly, but I wonder if you noticed who played The Red Baron in this one? A rather appropriate actor to be Flashheart's 'rival', haha.


Yeah, all the cast perform brilliantly this series, but Stephen Fry really makes it what it is. He's amazing as the general.


Rik Mayall AND Ade Edmondson sharing screen time in this episode...it can’t not be great!


Yesssssssssssss one of my all time favourite episodes - Rik Mayall is amazing as Flashheart


And this is why we don't like it when people spoil people are going to be in future episodes! The look of surprise and glee on his face when the word Flashheart was mentioned :p


Your little smile when they mention Flashheart for the first time... And yes, that's Eddie from 'Bottom'


Yes it is ade Edmondson Eddie from bottom


It’s Eddie hitler from bottom. I didn’t recognise him my self when I was younger and first saw this episode

Keith Pratt

I'm so pleased no one spoiled the fact that Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson were in this episode. Little things like this make reactions so much better.


Brilliant suprise! Fantastic episode!


Great thing about this episode is that there's two iconic British comedy teams together on screen, in Rick Mayall and Adrian Edmonson & Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. Like Season 2 episode 1, Rick Mayall definitely steals the show.

Steve King

Atkinson and Robinson, Fry and Laurie, Mayall and Edmondson....don't think we'll ever see another comedy show episode with three iconic and brilliant double acts in


Actually about 3 people mentioned it since s4 started I've seen, most were told off until they removed it or josh was warned by dm so taylor could remove them lol


Look forward for when you get around to reacting to the special “back and Forth” 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Mr K

There's a few great Rik Mayall interviews on YouTube, definitely worth having a look, Josh. 🙂



Ash Jeffries

My favourite episode of Blackadder Goes Forth, tied with episode 6. Rik Mayall indeed does steal the show and it's just brilliantly enjoyable. As others have said, that was Ade Edmondson too! He does look quite different here for all the reasons you said albeit his terrible German accent and timbre of his voice are quite telling! Haha! This was 1989, so 2 years before they both did Bottom. I'd rephrase that but I think Rik (RIP) would approve so I'll leave it as it is! :p Golden dialogue from Flashheart in this episode, some of my favourite lines below: Captain Darling? Funny name for a guy isn't it? Last person I called darling was pregnant twenty seconds later! *** Just because I give multiple orgasms to the furniture just by sitting on it... doesn't mean I'm not sick of this war... *** Flashheart: Mind if I use your phone? If word gets out that I'm missing, 500 girls will kill themselves. I wouldn't want them on my conscience, not when they ought to be on my face! Flashheart: Hi. Flashheart here. Yeah, cancel the state funeral, tell the king to stop blubbing. Flash is not dead! I simply ran out of juice! Yeah, and before the girls start saying "Oh, what's the point of living anymore?", I'm talking about petrol! Woof, woof! Yeah, I dumped the kite on the proles, so send a car. General Melchett's driver should do. She hangs around with a big nob, so she'll be used to a fellow like me! Woof, woof! Blackadder: Look, do you think you can make your obscene phone call somewhere else? Flashheart: No, not in half an hour, you rubber-desk Johnny! Send the bitch with the wheels right now, or I'll fly back to England and give your wife something to hang her towels on! *** Flashheart: The first thing to remember is always treat your kite like you treat your woman. Lieutenant George: H-How do you mean, sir? Do you mean, um, do you mean take her home at the weekend to meet your mother? Lord Flashheart: No. I mean get inside her five times a day and take her to heaven and back! :-D

David Lyons

When Josh mentioned at the end that he didn't know the name of the actor who played Eddie, was I the only one thinking : "The credits are right there, 2 more seconds and you'll find out!" ? And then it occurred to me, the actors in American shows tend to be in the opening credits, and they don't tell you who plays which character. Whereas British shows almost always start their end credits with the cast list along with their characters. Just throwing it out there that they may be worth a look every now and then!


That's exactly what I thought :D I didn't know that about the credits in American shows so thanks for the info. Makes sense why he didn't let in run for a few seconds then.