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Hey, folks didn't know Jeff from Peep Show was in that's cool. I missed quite a few jokes as expected. I didn't know bugger doubled as a racial slur. I just thought it was similar to piss, for example: piss off or I'm pissed.  I really thought the guy was just singing about black and white shoes lol. I don't have a ton to write, I covered most of what I wanted to say at the end.

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


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It's not the word bugger that's the rascist bit it's him singing send the buggers back cause the shoes were the wrong colour


Hey Josh. I love Phoenix nights so this is awesome! "Bugger" isn't a racial slur at all. The racism is in the fact that they want to send the shoes back because they are black and not white. The song isn't about shoes though. It's kind of tongue in cheek and coded. It's basically saying, "we don't want black people, we just want white people so send the black people back where they came from". Have another listen whilst thinking about it in that context.


Oh my god yes! Been waiting for this from you for so long.


Bugger isn't a racial slur. Use it in the same sense as bastard but more light hearted. Like "dirty bugger/dirty bastard", "smelly bugger/smelly bastard"

Tony Smyth

Excuse me, but 'bugger' is a verb, not a noun. If you didn't know that already you're in for a big surprise.

Kieran B

As others have said it’s not bugger that’s interpreted as racist but the ‘sending the black ones back’/‘I only wanted white ones’


Josh you will love this show it just gets better and better a bit like the office.

Sean Riley

Bugger is a term for someone annoying and to bugger someone is too engage in anal sex. Bugger as in buggery (sodomy)


Hm I'll watch it when onehub stops being slow to get the context but bugger isn't a racial slur 🤔 you can say 'bugger off', like piss off. Or you cheeky/dirty bugger etc which is like cheeky/dirty git. Or 'bugger me', to express surprise. It can also be quite affectionate, my mum used to call us little buggers etc when we were annoying her.


Been looking for to this reaction, always curious of how pheonix nights is received by people in the states as some of the humour is very "nothern" as my southern friends at uni would say. Btw bugger isn't racist (although historically it has homophobic conotations) nowadays it's a bit of a playful insult- my grandparents would call me "silly bugger" for example if I'd done something really stupid or if I was upset over something trivial they'd say "aww you poor bugger" (poor as a sympathetic term, not in relation to money).


Literally speaking buggery is sodomy. But if we call someone a cheeky bugger we don't mean it literally. It can be interchanged with cheeky beggar, which also isn't meant literally. The word reminds me of my Grandparents who would use it playfully when we acted up.

Mr K

This show's not for me, skipped through the last 15 mins. Ah well, can't like them all. 🙂


I do love phoenix nights but while I'm here can I ask you to put "the club" by Reeves and Mortimer sketch on your sketch list x? It's a longish sketch but very funny!


Really enjoyed Phoenix Nights when it was first out when I was back at uni, but it never had massive repeat value for me. And to watch someone not get half the jokes because they are so cultural makes it a skip for me. Enjoy everyone!


So many gags passed you by there Josh. The spirit bottles being mounted too high for Brian, so he uses a flower vase. Roy's suit being stolen from the TV studio. Mary the religious woman called Holy Mary. Ray Von being a DJ "electrics is just something I do." Kenny the bullshitter telling Roy he was unseeded, on centr court at Wimbledon. It is very subtle comedy sometimes, which I find hilarious, but I'm not so far from where it is set. I began to feel sorry for you there, wondering why this was so highly rated. I hope you tune into the humour. If not, I'd understand if you dropped the series and tried something else.


Yeah, as people have said, Phoenix Nights is a pretty regional, UK-culture based comedy a lot of times. There's a lot of general humour too, but it mainly hits home better if you're from that part of the world. I love it, tbh, but can quite easily see why some don't. It's a short run anyhow so will look forward to seeing how you take to it in time.

Tony Smyth

Yes please! More Reeves and much more Mortimer. They are criminally overlooked on this site, just like Sean Lock <strike>and Ted Chippington.</strike>

H Grazza

Never got the appeal of Peter Kay. I think this will be a miss for me. Seeing the likes of Mr Bean doing so well in the polls too, I despair


My first time watching the show too. In this context Buggers === F*ckers. However the buggers in question are black immigrants. The Black vs White shoe metaphor wasn't that subtle was it? I guess you have to watch out for certain types of folk groups, i.e. MAGA types. Funniest part of the episode imo.


So happy you're reacting to this, keep an eye out for the guy kenny who keeps making random bs statements (this episode he said he was in center court of Wimbledon and he'd get the dude a movie deal), think Inbetweeners Jay 😂


Yup...the first two mr beans were quite good ( when I was 16!) I'm now 47 and .... nah think I'll pass if it comes up! Each to their own though!

Gary Tamblyn

Two northern words you may hear a lot are:- Nowt = Nothing and Owt = Anything. (Pronounced “Out”) Eg “You’ve done nothing all morning” would be “you’ve done Nowt all morning”. “I’m not doing anything about that leaky pipe”. Would be “I’m not doing Owt about that Leaky pipe”. It might be hard work this series because of the accents, slang and local references, it wouldn’t be my first choice to introduce to someone in the US, but you may get something from it. 🙂. Good luck.

Craig Burns

The new DJ who fixed the electrics is the guy who mark doesnt like at work in peep show

Kevin Liversage

It helps if you've got a concept of working mens clubs in the UK too. Roy Walker was a popular TV host of a show called Catchphrase, Mr Chips was the shows mascot.


I think you’d react great to the tv series Benidorm


I personally feel like this one would be impenentrable to you, because of how extremely culturally local it is. It was an odd recommendation to have gotten!


Fwiw bugger isnt a racial slur. It's a very adaptable, minor swear word and also means sodomy. Really think this will be impenetrable to you unfortunately. Pretty much all the jokes are extremely subtle and referencing naff 80s and 90s working class culture specific to the UK.

Gary Tamblyn

The phrase Roy (the person that cut the ribbon with the safety scissors) used to say to the contestants on his show was “Say what you see” which is what Peter Kay said to Roy, as a joke, when asking what he thought of his new club. On the show, contestants had to guess what phrase a picture is trying to portray, as it is revealed square by square. Here’s a funny example. https://youtu.be/pZna1zkWUF8

Tony Smyth

3 hours later and Dailymotion still says it's "publishing. Call back later."I'm gonna skip Thursdays for a while. I've already seen the clip that was stolen from Stir Crazy. And I've read most of these comments. The sensible option is to take an early night in the hope that this was just a bad dream when I wake up.

(Just) Steve

I think you'll prefer Max &amp; Paddy's Road To Nowhere, which is the spinoff from Phoenix Nights.

Steve King

"Bugger" can mean a couple of things. It can be a verb as is 'bugger this', to mean "fuck this"/I'm not doing it or literally it means to shag someone up the arse (it is derived from the word buggery [i.e. sodomy] afterall). But it can also be used as a plural noun like in this episode which can mean "annoying people/objects". So when they are singing "Send the buggers back" he could be speaking about the black shoes his dad bought going back to the shop but obviously the connotation is they are singing about black people being sent back to Africa.


I think this is probably the least funny of all the episodes and is really just an introduction to the characters and setting. From now i think the jokes become more obvious and can be enjoyed no matter where you come from so i look forward to you enjoying these hopefully.

Chris H

Also "bugger off" means go away, "I'm buggered" means I'm tired/exhausted, "buggered it up" means messed it up, "oh bugger" means oh dear. It must be a nightmare getting used to our slang, single words have so many different meanings. Pissed, pissed off, pissed away, pissed it up. Bollocks, bollocks up, bollocksed it up, a load of bollocks, a bollocking, the dogs bollocks, oh bollocks. Three words and about 15 different contexts, and I'm sure there are still some missing!


So glad you're reacting to this! I don't know why people keep saying it's too 'regional'. As an American, all the British shows are 'too regional', but the more you watch, the more you adapt and understand just like in The UK Office and Only Fools. Like you say, the first episode is always just an 'introduction' and as you continue watching, the understanding of characters and their ways become more entertaining. Also it's worth mentioning that this is more of a light hearted comedy, not one to make you laugh your head off, but more to just sit back and chuckle too. I love this series, especially the second series.


I prefer Max and Paddy to this show, but will give it another go in your reactions!

W Martin

It's strange, I've watched many episodes of Phoenix Nights and never got into it. But Max and Paddy is in my top 5! Short and sweet. really hope Josh gets to watch it!


'Send them back to where they come from' was a particular sentiment and expression commonly used by nationalists and racists (usually an elderly relative lol), in regard to immigrants and immigration. The word 'buggers', in the song's context, is just a general pejorative, easily replaced with fuckers, bastards etc. The song uses 'black shoes' to indirectly convey people of colour.


Most black people in the UK arrived in the 1950s from the West Indies and some racist groups think they should be sent back. That's why the song was considered racist. Also Combat 18 are a far right group who have been responsible for attacks on ethic minorities.


Also a few years back my mum told me about this man she'd see going past her window in a wheelchair and she called him Brian Potter as he looked like him.


Like others have said, this is a much more light-hearted watch than some other sitcoms. I think it just gets funnier and funnier as the season goes along but also keep a look out for all the tiny little puns/silly gags thrown in much more subtly than in some other shows, just to make the audience smile. ie The lorry firm being 'sweet truck haul', a pun on 'sweet f*** all' or Brian's number being saved as Ironside in Alan's phone. I think you'll definitely enjoy it the more you get to know the characters and the setting.

Tony Smyth

9 hours later and Dailymotion is still processing the content. I'm sure it's beyond your hands, but please, please Josh, do a poll and replace this with something I can see. It doesn't work. The comments are full of excuses for racism and the content/context is inaccessible. We deserve better.

Tony Smyth

@ Mike Edwards: You were friendlier and funnier when you were the lead singer in that band called Jesus Jones. I bought you a pint of lager one night. You owe me a pint.


Awesome man, I for sure need to see more as to form a full opinion but I am looking forward to it. Thanks bud I appreciate it.


Thank you, I do think I get more jokes now than I did in the beginning so it does take time but after watching so many shows and clips I do get more. Thanks again take care =]


Yeah I totally agree, let’s replace Phoenix nights with another show, forget that it got the most votes because you deserve better. Make sure you think about it over the weekend and let the rest of us know what you decide is going to replace this on Thursday nights. I look forward to your decision.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZna1zkWUF8 Here you go Josh, classic moment from Catchphrase so you might get a little bit of context for who Roy Walker. This was a primetime Saturday night show in the early/mid 90's. He's one of those faces that everyone who was alive at that time knew. Would love to see your reaction to that - it's a show where they put up an illustration of a turn of phrase and the contestants have to guess the phrase and win money (hence catchphrase). After each round there's a bonus round where they remove a square from the board, revealing piece by piece the bonus catchphrase. The little bloke on it is called Mr Chips ("pissed on your Mr Chips there, Roy" - to piss on someone's chips means to disappoint them). I mean, this show has layers upon layers of references to British culture.


I've seen a few episodes of this in the past in an attempt to get into it and never got the appeal. It's a shame to see some of the better comedies lose out to this in the poll. Especially with the calibre of British comedy that Josh has been watching so far, this is going to fall flat. This just isn't that funny.


It caught me by surprise when you said "Pissing about" at the end there haha. Turning into a true brit! :D

Jon Johnson

I wouldn't try too hard to persevere with this one Josh if you don't get it; I think a lot of the references are hard to understand outside of the North of England never mind outside of the UK. I enjoyed it when it first came out but, as others have said, it hasn't aged very well.


I don't often read all the comments. Do they usually have various remarks by those who's shows did win the poll. Can we just pause for a sec and give Josh some credit. He's American not from outta space. 🤣 He'll do fine. I can't say this would of been my very first choice. Will he get every joke, every reference and think it's the funniest show he's ever seen? No probably not. Josh has gone for democracy and is very happy to give the show a chance. What a wonderful opportunity for him to see another facet of the varried nature that comedy has to offer. The list is full of shows that are getting more votes than a lot of my picks. Josh produces more consistent content than most I am aware of and has another job last time I checked. Personally I'm here to see him react to a show he hasn't seen. Maybe one I don't know that well. Reactions are partly about seeing things through other peoples eyes. Keep doing what ya doin my man!


all these southern softies complaining that Josh won't get Phoenix Nights, because they don't get it.... Now you know how we feel everytime we watch Only Fools and Horses... Delboy was talking about getting 'tucked up' in the last episode... im a Brit in my 40's and I've never ever heard that term before... So if you dont quite understand something in Phoenix nights... Tough... it doesn't spoilt it... Think Josh understands everything being said in Only Fools? Yeah, you probably do because its your favourite show! You're all missing the point.... Life is full of colourful lingo from all parts of the English speaking world, whether its a small town in Australia, or the deepest suburbs of Alabama.... You dont need to know what every word is to follow a quality storyline/acting/comedy... it still transcends universally for all. Stop bitching.


Another point to add to that is the presumption that everyone here is British ... or American! (I'm neither, pretty sure I'm not the only one here) I haven't seen Phoenix Nights before so I'll be skipping Thursdays for the time being, but I can't complain, I've had months of the week being filled with shows I love! I don't understand every reference in every show I watch, but I can usually gather the meaning from context, and when I can't, it doesn't hurt my viewing experience. Josh hasn't struggled so far, so I don't see why he would this time around.


The amount of anger people have over the picking of these shows is hilarious, lighten up my friends, its just a show. Much love Josh for all these reactions, its so funny that there is a guy in America who understands a lot of English lingo and knows more about English sitcoms then most people I know here.


I'm astonished at the panic/anger of some of these comments, simply because Josh is reacting to Phoenix Nights and just because he didn't laugh every two seconds. After ALL the shows Josh has reacted to, I find it remarkable that some people are showing such little faith in his ability to learn and understand British humour. I won't get into the merits of Phoenix Nights as a show, because it doesn't really matter: Josh gives everyone a chance to vote on what he reacts to, and this is what won. It's a classic British comedy, whether you like it or not. Josh himself has always said, as he does in this video, that he understands it takes a while to appreciate a show, its tone and its characters, and that he's prepared to invest the time. Every time Josh starts a new British show, with a completely different level of humour, he takes a few episodes to get into it. That's been the case with Only Fools and Horses, Blackadder, Red Dwarf and I'm Alan Partridge. He was completely ambivalent after the first episodes of some of those shows, but he picks up the tone and humour very quickly. Personally speaking, Red Dwarf isn't quite my cup of tea. I've seen some episodes and enjoyed them, and I appreciate its cult status and longevity, but it'll never be my first choice for a rewatch. But the fact that Josh has recently shown excitement about the show, when he was unsure at first, has actually renewed my interest in watching it. So instead of moaning that he's reacting to Phoenix Nights, why not see if it piques your interest again? Look at this for what it is: when would you *ever* have imagined an American reacting to a show like this? This is an adventure, an experiment, and I have full faith in Josh to find the humour in what's ultimately a classic British show.


One of the first British comedy’s i was introduced too, living in Manchester and being so close to Bolton Mcguiness and Kay are icons to me. They also did one called Max and Paddy on the road which I remember watching at like 3 😂


I don’t watch Red Dwarf or Blackadder and have little interest in Brass Eye, instead of which I just turn on Netflix and get on with my life. However it appears you’re allowed to complain pointlessly and moan and you will change what the vast majority have voted for and what you have agreed to. Good old democracy. Stick with this Josh and to the minority, see you in 12 weeks.


I gave it another go, to see if it was better than I remembered. Sadly, no.


I'm intrigued: what don't you like about it? Not a diss, and not going to try to convert you, just a genuine question. I've never really met anyone who didn't love the show so I'd be really interested in what you thought of it!

Austin Stratton

Phoenix Nights really isn't for me unfortunately, and could not watch it at all when Taffe316 watched it (however he really annoys the crap out of me anyway cus he constantly answers the characters questions or makes stupid jokes throughout episodes on his channel) But for some reason it's bearable with Josh.. Gonna stick with it, see if it grows on me some.


Did anyone explain to Josh why the song was racist?


The song was racist bcos he said that his shoes were black and not white so he wanted to "send the buggars back" which indirectly refers to the deportation of immigrants