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This was a really good yet very tough episode to watch. They did an excellent job fitting jokes in to lighten the heavy moments, I appreciated that a lot. The best scene hands down was Del boy speaking about always needing to be the tough guy. Needing to be a certain way his entire life so now he doesn't know how to do anything different. I am more on the Del side of the camp when it comes to mourning. I prefer to be a shoulder to cry on instead of crying on someone's shoulder. That doesn't make me stronger or anything, it just helps me deal with a tragedy. It helps me to be someone who's helping instead of someone who needs help. This isn't a knock on how others mourn it's just what helps me deal with loss. I have a lot of friends and family who have a very one-dimensional view of mourning similar to Rodneys. You should not joke, you should only cry until your out of tears, then cry some more and eventually you cry less and less until it stops. That just doesn't work for me. A fantastic episode with great acting.

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


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My night sorted! Hope your well Josh! I have a feeling your going to love Uncle Albert

Samuel Coghlan-White

I want everyone to get fucking shitfaced at my funeral


i just wanan say i hope you're having a great day josh boutta enjoy this reaction

Sam Dilks

Great episode, which shows the depth of the characters and quality of writing from John Sullivan. Little context for you, the funeral scene was filmed not long (maybe a week can't remember) after the real funeral for Lennard Pearce so everyone's emotions are still very real and raw, and David Jason (Del Boy) said it was incredible bleak and hard to film this episode but it was written and done out of respect to Lennard, and respect to John for paying homage to the actor and character


Grandads hat turning out to be the vicars is sublime comedy. Such great writing.


I think this episode is where most people get emotionally involved with the characters and the story, which is why everyone loves the later seasons because your more emotionally attached


Don't worry I have seen that scene 30 times and it still gets to me


I think everybody had a tear in their eye at that point...and that wont be the last. so much more laughter and tears with OFAH. I'm really enjoying watching these again....i remember watching them when they first came out in the early 80s. Only Fools, The Office, Alan Partridge have been so good to watch again. I'm not enjoying the 1st season of Red Dwarf but I know it gets better. Fawlty Towers seems to have aged slightly. Still a classic though.


Hi Josh, password 16 doesn't work on Daily motion, was it a typo?


wow, I cried along with you during the del & rodney scene! until I watched this show I never realised a comedy series could make me feel so emotional, this show has a knack for combining tough situations and humour and pulls it off flawlessly, dare I say this will not be the last time you cry to this show! thanks for doing these reactions it’s amazing watching along with someone :)


I'm the same as you mate I would rather be the shoulder to cry on. I grew up in a household with 4 little sisters and my mum not very many other men in the family. So I just took on that role and I don't really know how to not anymore


In this episode we see that only fools is not just about laughter, it's about real life and its grind. John sullivan is an excellent writer and manages to make you laugh right when you're feeling down & sad with the program. Roll on uncle Albert episodes, really hope there not cut and missing parts.

Kieran B

They filmed this soon after Lennard Pearce’s real funeral they’d all just been too, remember reading about them saying how tough it was to film - understandably

Rob OnlyRoss

Amazing reaction bro and del boy shows how amazing of an actor he really is. Watching this with you was hard as my grandad is in a home now as he has dementia and has deteriated it defiantly hits home


Josh, I'm about to watch your reaction, but wanted to say that even just your description is heartfelt and beautifully written. This isn't the funniest episode but it's a landmark one, because it represents what true British comedy excels at: mixing the sad/tragic with the comic. You've seen it before in Extras (when you almost cried at Andy's monologue to Maggie), and even in The Inbetweeners 2 (when the boys are dying). That mix of pathos and humour is what defines British comedy. You'll see it again soon in Blackadder, Red Dwarf, The Office, and.... if people vote for it... One Foot in the Grave. In fact, I think One Foot in the Grave is the BEST British sitcom of all time when it comes to mixing the funny, tragic, absurd, horrific and sad. I know lots of other patrons want you to watch it, so I truly hope it wins the next poll of longer-term shows!


Dont know if it has already been pointed out but in 1984 there was a special educational short episode of OFAH only intended for screening in schools to teach pupils about the oil industry titled Licensed To Drill, for years it was believed to be lost media but was rediscovered relatively recently- this would be the final on screen appearance of Lenard Pearce performing the Grandad character. There is however a question mark over whether or not John Sullivan wrote this episode so its status as being canon to the series has always been cast into some doubt. Certainly worth checking out though if its still available via Youtube/Daily Motion however.


Can’t open it on Dailymotion, it says password incorrect


This episode brings a tear to the eye! Fantastic acting


I'd love for him to react to One Foot in the Grave. I never paid much attention to it when I was younger, it was just something I saw bits of when it was on in the background when my mum and dad used to watch it. Then I watched it properly as an adult about 10 year ago and realised how well written/acted it was and how much depth it had beyond what I remember from when I was younger. It would be great to revisit it again along with Josh's reaction.


True, and they'd also filmed the previous episode ("Happy Returns") after Pearce's death/funeral. Parts of the next episode ("Hole in One", originally intended to be the series opener) had been filmed before Lennard's death, and they reshot key scenes with Uncle Albert. This episode and the previous one were extras, written in response to Pearce's passing. RIP Grandad.

Ash Jeffries

Beautifully written episode and I am not surprised the Del scene in particular made you cry Josh as it *always* makes me cry and I've seen it probably 20 times at least! John Sullivan's real talent lay in not only the ability to juxtapose comedy and pathos seamlessly and naturally, but also in the sheer detail he always put in to every script. The cigarette machine joke is set up in one scene and the punchline is delivered two or three scenes later; the hat joke is just genius, both sweet, embarrassing and very funny. The fact that Jean and Stan live in a caravan seems trivial and just there for a couple of quips from Del, but then it becomes very significant indeed as the caravan is instrumental in Albert's abandonment. All these little details peppered in and they're so often plot points in disguise. Same with the character detail. Obviously we have grown to know and love Del and Rodney but they are written as people and not sitcom characters / simply purveyors of witty dialogue. That much is evident with that Del scene in this episode but it's there all the time really. The writing is so good. But admittedly, the Del scene in particular is outstanding in almost every way: tinges of humour even in the sadness, rare vulnerability from Alpha Male Del, superb acting from David Jason especially but also Nick Lyndhurst as Rodney. I have no doubt that the rawness of Lennard Pearce's recent funeral in real life helped make those scenes uncomfortably real but no, hats off to the writer and the actors here regardless. But even with Albert we learn so much about him here and it's his very first episode. Not just his background, but his temperament too, and John Sullivan even manages to foreshadow with one line of Albert's dialogue here, the Boomerang Trotter line seeming amusing but sort of meaningless, until he walks back in and you realise its significance. Very few sitcom writers (traditional sitcom I mean and not the dramedies so common today) have the skill to make their audience think and cry amidst the laughter. John Sullivan was a rare one, and you've *so* much brilliance to look forward to from this show Josh! You will grow to love Albert as much as you did Granddad I'm sure!


I've watched that scene with Del and Rodney before and it's very sad but I've never cried before but when you started to cry it got me crying too.


in new orleans they have funeral parades and stuff like that i want a good mix of happy sad. Joey Diaz said that if there were people at a funeral who that loved one hated acting fake thats the worst thing he didn't want anyone there that his mother wouldn't have wanted just people to share in remembering that soul


Ah I didn't realise how much I needed a little cry today lol:/ I was gone at the same bit that got you Josh. Such great writing and the acting is superb. It must have been so hard for them to film. They all did a great job but David Jason especially in this one is amazing. Great reaction. But don't think you're safe, Josh, I doubt this is the last time you'll shed a tear during Only Fools and Horses ;) Thanks man, take care.

Gary Tamblyn

Brilliant combination of John Sullivan’s writing and a cast of brilliant comic actors, especially David Jason and Nicolas Lyndhurst. And this was at a time when John was also writing a couple of other hit shows in the UK, ‘Just Good Friends’ and ‘Dear John’, which they remade in the US. He was an absolutely amazing talent. Great reaction Josh, it’s great watching these old episodes again with someone who’s never seen them before.

Stuart Fewtrell

I must have seen this episode 100 times or more, and that “get over it” scene still gets me every time


I had to stop watching to comment this bc I was too distracted by the Welsh flag behind you! ❤️💚 Has it always been there?

Gary Tamblyn

One other thing I noticed with John Sullivan’s style, is if ever there’s a funny main scene where someone is going to insult someone or make fun of them, that person has to have done something first to deserve it, so the audience is on the side of the person getting the revenge. Sometimes they are just a throw away comment or action that don’t amount to much, but they are always added before the killer scene. I noticed that with so many episodes that I’m sure it was a rule John stuck to.


It was a gift from the Patron who sent him the box of British goodies a couple of months back. That video is on here and you tube :)


So glad you watched and reviewed this episode and it's been the one I've been waiting for. Such powerful writing. The amazing thing is about this and episode one of series four, is that they were both written, shot and recorded within a month, kind of like in an emergency. Incredible drama and those moments where even though it's a tough moment in your life, you have to lift yourself back up again. Brilliant writing to get the balance between genuine drama and comedy. Always loved grandad and Uncle Albert. A lot of uk families have characters like them. They both remind me of my own grandad. Mine was navy veteran who told similar tall tales of the sea, some genuine, some a bit "imaginative". Thanks for your reaction. Brilliant.

Devyn Hall

Its so strange joining a channel to see what a stranger thinks of a show you like, to wanting to reach across the atlantic and give you a hug!!! Great reaction, much love!!!


Hi josh. Its great to see your emotional attachment growing for this show. Fools and horses is our best loved sitcom it wins the pols every time. And we can all understand why when you get writing and acting of this standard. It is very special and only a handful of shows can hope to achieve this. Love to our american brother. 👍

Rich Moyse

Next level reaction here as always, share far and wide guys 🙏🙏🙏


Thanks bud this was a really great episode man. I can totally see why this show is a classic, it has so many great moments.


Thanks bud, I really am enjoying this show a whole lot. The characters are very relatable and the writing and jokes are fantastic. Take care bud!


I appreciate you all! Thanks for sharing these shows with me, I otherwise would have never heard of them most likely. Take care and have a great holiday season.


Thanks for sharing man. I agree this show is great and I appreciate the writing and effort they put into this show. Grandad is a great character and he will for sure be missed by me but I am hearing a lot that I will like Uncle Albert so I am looking forward to watching with him. Thanks bud take care and have a great holiday season.


Thanks for sharing man. They did a great job with this one, I am sure that was very hard for them. Take care man and have a great holiday season.


I can totally see what you mean man. I have become invested in these characters and can't wait to keep watching. Take care bud and have a great holiday season.


This was a very sad episode, but still very good and I enjoyed it a whole lot. I am happy you are enjoying, I do hear Red Dwarf gets better so I am looking forward to it. Take care and have a great holiday season.


That was an intense scene man! This was a great episode even if it was very sad. Take care man and have a great holiday season.


I totally agree man they do a great job with making us laugh and also talking about real life hardships. I am excited about Uncle Albert I hear he is great so I am looking forward to it. Take care man have a great holiday season.


Thank you for sharing. This episode was sad but still so great. They do a great job with breaking the tension with jokes as well. Take care!

Steve King

I pledged my support for your Patreon in September, the week that my father died and this was his favourite show back in the day. I always look forward to Fridays but this episode was the one I thought I'd really struggle with but actually it made me happy in a weird kind of way....thanks Josh

Luke Barron

Not to diminish their acting skills here, but they were definitely grieving for real in this episode. I think that's what made it even more authentic.

Daniel Davies

I can only imagine the difficulty David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst felt when filming the funeral scene at the beginning. A week of two earlier, they had just been at Leonard Pearce's actual funeral and were now having to re-live those emotions again for his character.


Cheers for this Josh. A sad episode. I lost my nain (grandmother in Welsh) a few years ago, she was my mother and best mate. This ep made me tear up.


My mum worked for the photo desk at the Radio Times(like an up-market, British version of TV Guide) in the 80s and ended up meeting pretty much ever BBC celebrity from that era. So she had the goss on all of them. The two she said were especially nice were David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst. She said they were just 'so lovely' and exactly as you'd expect them to be in real life.


...Apparently Jennifer Saunders was a cow though. :)


That sums up grandad, buried with some random guys hat haha


Oh wow Josh such a enjoyable reaction. I'm one of these people that measures comedy and drama by the writers, actors and production team getting you to do something you might not necessarily expect or want to do. Laughing together is cathartic but then so is shedding tears. The balance for this episode is a touchstone for what makes a brilliant comedy drama. What a tribute it is to memory of Lennard Pearce and the Grandad character I think. David Jason is a brilliant comedy actor. I enjoy his drama performances as well. There's a Detective series he did called A Touch of Frost 1992-2010 which is a particular favourite of mine. They are feature length dramas essentially. I'd be happy to share a link with you if it's something you think you might want to check out in your own time at some point. Happy Holidays.

Teddy Alison

Be A brilliant episode and very tough to watch. However, the light jokes are well implemented to lift the spirits. Everyone who has watched this can feel the connection to grandad as he was such a great character that everyone loved and was sad to see him go. This is why even though Only Fools is primarily labelled as a comedy it’s in reality a lot more than that as the writing of the show knows how to make you feel connected and does brilliantly to mix all types of emotions.


this is where we start to see character development in the show trigger,boycie and mike all start to plat a bigger part and it enhances the show


Great video josh that is the genius of john Sullivan's writing coupled with David Jason's acting they could make you cry and make you laugh in one scene. Not many TV shows can do that. Pleased you are enjoying it . stay safe

Jack Veazey

Nice reaction Josh. You always give a good little speech at the end of your videos which are spot on. Catch you for the next episode.


Nice video, your points of view on the show are insightful and a joy to watch. Not to mention your reactions are fun and it is uplifting to see somebody as jolly and positive such as yourself. Loom forward to more, glad you are enjoying OFAH, it improves drastically with Uncle Albert, when you get to series six, you won’t stop laughing. I don’t know if you have covered this show, but there is another show I’d recommend called Outnumbered. I’d strongly recommend this show. Anyhow take care and all the best👍


I am sorry for your loss man. Glad this episode was enjoyable for you. Take care and have a great holiday season.


Thanks bud I did enjoy this episode a whole lot. I do agree that they did a great job with balancing the jokes and the drama. It was sad but not too overly depressing as they did a great job with the humor. I will have to check out A Touch of Frost sometime soon man thank you for the suggestion. Take care man have a great holiday season.


Thanks man I appreciate it, this show is awesome and does for sure put me in a good mood. I don't think I have heard of Outnumbered but I will add it to my list thanks bro =]


Love your reactions to only fools and horses. Can't wait for you to watch To Hull and Back special. Not least because I'm from Hull but I also think it's a great episode. Keep up the good work mate and look forward to your future reaction videos.


This is such a well done episode - but for me personally, the show was never quite the same without Grandad, for as good a character Uncle Albert was! Such a shame he never got to see the show go onto become the massive hit it was


excellent reaction my friend. i'll be honest, i've seen this episode a few times but i still shed a tear just now over Del's scene. it's very powerful. pretty incredible that a comedy can make people feel that strongly. i love your videos dude good on ya for supplying us with quality content. peace!

Josip Buretic

Dear Josh, I've been enjoying your reaction / videos on YouTube for months and when I saw you doing the reaction for "Only Fools and Horses" I just had to come to Patreon. I love the series, I am from Croatia(but now I live in Germany) and I grew up in Croatia by watching the OFAH with my dad and we loved the series from the beginning . I've watched all of your reactions in the past 2 days and I love them all. Looking forward for more reaction. And I like Uncle Albert as a character but Grandpa was my favorite character and he was just awesome ❤️Much love from Germany❤️


Thank you man! OFaH is a great show I am really enjoying this so far.That is awesome man thanks for sharing. Have a great holiday season =]

Whitts collection

Had to join patreon to see only fools and horses reaction can't wait for next one. Britain's most loved sitcom. Good work

Keith Pratt

The name of the actor who played the vicar was John Pennington. Before he became a professional actor, he was a maths teacher at my school during the sixties. I didn't find this out until quite recently when he died and his nephew posted the sad news on a local Facebook group.


Leonard Pearce (Grandad) had his real funeral about 2 weeks before this episode was filmed, so you can clearly see how the rest of the cast were truly heart broken about his death.


awww dude. that scene where Del is saying he has been the tough guy for so long that he doesn't know how to be anything else really hit a nerve didn't it. bless you my friend :-)


Heartwarming reaction to a hard episode to watch Josh. It was brilliantly written, with humour but in full respect of the superb Leonard Pearce. Loved his character. I've seen all these more times than i could keep count of, what with it being my number one. However, i'm thoroughly enjoying watching your first reaction to these wonderful characters and brilliant show with yer Josh. Thank You 👍👍