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This was a decent episode, they showed more of the ship which was cool. They came across a foreign object in space, given it was a trash pod but still, it was something lol. It kinda cool that cat books use smell and pictures. Makes sense in a way because smell can help recall lost memories and such. So it would have been cool to have words tied to smells to help you retain the information or recall it easier with a quick whiff lol. 

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Season 1 is rough. Season 2 is better and 3+ is SO much better.


I love red dwarf but it's very nostalgic for me because I grew up watching it I think someone from the outside watching as a grownup might not love it as much as we do because it is quite cheesy in the jokes are a bit shit lol. But it does get better as The seasons go on. And there are some really funny episodes but not so much in season one.

Kieran B

Without giving any spoilers you will see a lot more sci fi stuff, a lot more exploration of concepts - I’ll simply say based on what you said in the intro I think you’ll be happy. They were quite pioneering in a lot of ways, the hologram wasn’t really a feature of mainstream TV sci fi before this, then almost 10 years later we get the EMH in Voyager. Patrick Stewart is a big Red Dwarf fan coincidentally


You have to bear in mind that the budget for this show was microscopic. They do a decent job of giving you some feel for the ship's size, eg. the hangar, and the scale models of the ship's ancillary craft are pretty cool and fairly convincing to my drug-addled mind. But it's not high budget sci-fi as you can already tell. It doesn't get much more expansive than it already has been.


i get where you coming from on your speech at the start, and i can promise you, you will see this in future episodes, keep in mind that when this started in the 80s it didn't have the same budget as star trek next generation that started in the 80s, that already had a following from the original star trek fans, so they had funding, but red dwarf was brand new so they basically started on peanuts with a little studio in Manchester lol, anyway im fully confident that you will enjoy it much more in future episodes, when they have a better budget.


To me, as someone who was never a hardcore fan of the show but who still liked to watch it, the appeal of RD isn't necessarily that it's hilariously funny: it's that the characters are good fun to spend time around and their interactions and friendships are just undemandingly enjoyable. They're...lovable I suppose is the word. Don't expect caustic humour and tears in your eyes punchlines...but do expect some interesting sci-fi concepts, cheesy jokes, a lot of the word 'smeg' and most of all the fun of the sparky chemistry between the crewmates. They're just enjoyable to be around. Sometimes that's enough.


Regarding your opening comments, I am confident you will really come to enjoy the show. Lot's and lots of different sci-fi tropes are explored in the upcoming seasons.


The shows budget and effects don't change a great deal with each series, but it gets a lot funnier and smarter. I'm confident that by the end of series 3 you'll be hooked.


im happy you said that saul, im a big fan of the show since i was a kid but the truth is its not because its the best comedy show, there are far funnier shows out there, but its because of the characters and sci fi parts that's why i love it, its definitely unique.


You WILL get more of what you want in this show, Josh. In later seasons though!! EVERYTHING. Other planets, time travel...the lot!! It's full of twists and turns. I've said before, the real classic stuff is when Kryten is a regular part of the team.

Kieran B

They turned round in Future Echoes so I imagine they came across a garbage pod that Holly ejected for whatever reason while Lister was in stasis. Or he could very well have just done it on purpose to wind Rimmer up

Kieran B

As others have said the budget is absolutely tiny as it has a new BBC sitcom budget rather than a US network sci-fi budget like TNG, they do really well with what they have and in terms of overall look and visuals it improves a lot but I wouldn’t expect too much on that front though. The model work has always been fairly solid on RD, will give them that. Some of the people that worked on Alien worked on this I believe - both share a connection too in Dark Star, it was one of the inspirations for Red Dwarf and what Dan O’Bannon worked on before Alien


Season 2 is so much better and season 3 carries on that trend of getting better. The budget increases as you see so much more and it feels like they got another writer in or something. Kryten is horrifying at first though, so glad they redesigned him.


You are going to love the "despair squid" episode much much later on. Its one of my all time favourites

Mr K

Have you ever watched the BBC version of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy? You definitely should if you haven't, would be surprised if you didn't like it.


Red Dwarf - Series 1 Documentary www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwHhRvJA6HE Funny how right away they admit there wasn't many jokes and Lister didn't think it was funny.

Gary Tamblyn

Think I may come back when Season 3 starts and Robert Llewelyn’s Kryten joins the cast. Finding it a bit hard-going at the moment, think it’s missing something... Probably budget and good writers. 🙂


Bit of a dodgy one this ;) as others have said, it does get better.


Usually the first season of a show isn't too wonderful but I am still enjoying it. Especially when you compare it to how good the show is going to get.


Thanks bud, I can appreciate the nostalgia though because I love sci-fi. I can totally see why you all like it so much. I am looking forward to season 2 and beyond though as I am hearing it is much better =]


Thanks for the info and no spoilers man I appreciate it. That is awesome that he is a big fan of the show =]

Luke Barron

Probably should have started on season 2 with this one too. Forgot how bad season 1 was lol


Watch the first season documentary here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ52zBF88DHyRFt5tIfOKFMvSbDKYItrf when you've finished it and it explains all about the making of and how they worked with the budget they had and stuff. It's well worth checking out!


It's the same writers throughout 1-6 - I think you'll find 2 is a great deal better and has a few of the classic eps - also iirc next week's ep is pretty good


I'm glad you're doing season 1, because there is a lot of exposition, but it was very much finding it's feet still. Also, this show was made on a budget of next to nothing, which is actually part of it's appeal, but it got bigger as it went on. Hang in there.


I can't wait for season 2. There are 2 more shows now and they're basically a 2-parter. In the next one you might recognise one of the guest actors as one of your late night talk-show hosts. As for getting to and from planets and things like that, you'll see some more of that in season 2 but from season 3 onwards it's basically when it becomes more sci-fi and less sit-com. All the while it gets funnier and just generally better. I wish you could just binge watch it all in one go - it'd get my through my work-day at least! lol But again, I don't think Red Dwarf became anyone's favourite show based solely on Season 1.

Tacitus G. Kilgore

As with most series,' it gets much better as it goes on.... this wasn't a great episode but not long, and it really kicks into high gear...


I've been enjoying this as I would never choose to watch series 1 on my own accord. Still rough, but some good ideas, concepts and moments, some of which I'd forgotten.


This is what I actually love about the early seasons, it establishes some Red Dwarf concepts that stop it becoming just a reskinned working class buddy/odd couple comedy. It's confident enough in the strength of its characters to go off exploring higher philosophical subjects knowing the characters can write themselves sometimes. Not every episode will have you rolling about laughing but it'll still entertain you with meaningful exploration of these esoteric concepts that relate directly to the people within. There's a certain rawness to the early seasons that speak of very talented, very creative people unsatisfied with just delivering some laughs and moving on.


new camera? new something? seems way higher quality

Manly Stump

Don't forget Dick Head (the pub landlord from Bottom) is in the next episode!

(Just) Steve

Just some info to allay your fears: - You will see more of the ship and what they use for shuttles. (if you sold half of the toys in your room behind you then you'd probably have more money than Red Dwarf had as a budget for the first two seasons! lol) - There are more episodes involving time travel. (without spoiling it, one great episode involves a very famous moment in history) - You will see non-humans, weapons and other technology. - Even the writers weren't very happy with this episode, and to some extent the first series as a whole. It gets better.


GREAT EPISODE i loved the whole cats religion and the backstory of that


I always thought there was something pretty deep about the concept, something that maybe they never made the most of in a dramatic sense because it was a comedy show first and foremost...but the idea of the last human being, stranded three million years into the future, the existential mindfuck that would be, the background pondering about what had come of earth and the human race, the desire to get back home and maybe the terror of what you'd find when you get there...what I'm trying to say is that the premise is so good and that my mind starts wandering when I think about where else they could have gone with it if it wasn't strictly a sitcom...I'd quite like to write a straight version of Red Dwarf, play it entirely straight...Lister the doomed handyman, Rimmer the depressive hologram, their AI servant Kryten, and Cat, the creature trying to figure out where it stood in the world under the cognitive load of realising its entire species' culture and history is derived from one man's daydreams and the laundry list with which he lined his pet's litter tray. There's so much meat there, so much that could be expanded upon and extrapolated, because the premise is so good. I think the books did a decent job of this actually. They're underrated and the hugely flesh out certain concepts in the show (as well as humanise Rimmer a little more, which might be a mistake according to your tastes but I liked it).

Chris H

This was probably my least favourite episode, at least until series 8. Is the episode you're talking about Tikka to Ride?