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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://rb.gy/jrtlgl

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Compressed Version Google Drive Link-https://rb.gy/noim4l

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Compressed Version Onehub Link-https://rb.gy/hzfgq5

Spoiler Free:  This movie was so funny it surprised me. The compressed links are for people with a slower internet connection, there is a slight audio delay with the compressed versions. Unfortunately, I could not correct this issue. The delay isn't as noticeable once the movie starts. 

Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!    Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!

I covered most of what I wanted to say at the end of the movie. My favorite part was Will trying to outrun poop in a water slide and being hit in the face with it. When he was walking around the pool like a lost child asking for help I couldn't stop laughing. I was trying not to g.a.g while laughing while attempting to keep my eyes open and catch my breath. That scene killed me two times over lmao. This movie was great. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


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So happy with this, I haven’t been following Father Ted so I expected it to be a dead day but I was wrong 😀

Toby Lewis

So much to watch tonight! I can’t wait to see your reaction to this.


A couple of times I thought you were gonna have a heart attack with laughing so much. Especially when Neil took a shit down the water slide 😂


I love The World's End and this film. People like different things...


Links aren't working.


Dude, the waterslide scene had you laughing harder than I've ever seen 😂 had me laughing too!!


Can you increase stream? I can't download it

Adam C Turek

i was so sure the stoned woman Neil got with was going to accidentally end up to be his Mum, since they referenced it twice - then the Dad would point it out at the airport


It's not that it's a bad movie its that it just feels like it doesn't belong with the rest, they made inbetweeneres in a certain style and continued it with the first movie then just changed it which was weird. The first movie felt like like it was were it should have ended as well them all having girlfriends and being happy, where as the second just opened it all up again, turning Lucy into a lunatic was just plain weird. Where they are now in life wasn't as good as they were when the first film ended. When people say it was to make money that's what I think they are saying from an artistic perspective the film was better ended after the first and the only real reason to make another was for the money.

Leeroy Nabowitz

YEA I loved this and ppl are always gonna compare it and say it’s shit but I loved pretty much all of this one. Speaking of worlds end I should react to Paul If that hasnt been suggested it has more of Ed and Shaun’s awesome friendship in a different setting


I had a girlfriend like that from when I was 16 - 19, I kept dumping her all the time and she'd come and find me. However at that age you just make up with them because you want sex. She scared all my friends off and I became a loner, she'd always check up on me so I had to pretend I would go to sleep at 6pm every night just to have breathing room. She would make several accounts on hotmail to try and catch me out. I broke up with her once and she started cutting all down her arm, so I just got back with her so she'd stop. Then at the end of the relationship she blamed me for isolating us both and had sex with some guy and phoned me while she was with him. So I was like "it's over for good" and she came to see me again, however oddly after that I never saw her again. God she was a nightmare and ruined those years for me.


Man that reaction to the waterslide scene alone was worth the patreon subscription! I remember seeing this in the cinema with my mates, there was a round of applause after Will's rant to Ben and Katie. I never understood the hate for this movie either - I think some of the criticism was directed towards Neil, and how they appeared to emphasise his lack of intelligence in this movie, but I don't think it takes too much away from it.


I remember people hating it because of what they did to Lucy.


Your reaction to the waterslide shit scenes was hilarious 😅 I thought you were going to die for a second there lol. So glad you enjoyed it. Your reaction was great and made it so much funnier tbh :)

Stephen Dearden

Your reaction to *that* scene is the funniest thing I've seen in a very long time


I never really enjoyed the film when it came out. Watched it with the wife, who's not an Inbetweeners fan, and thought it was pretty shit. Watching you react to it was hilarious and made me appreciate it a lot more, and I enjoyed it more (retrospectively) than the first film. This Patreon subscription is money well spent.


I think this film had more hard hitting funny moments my favorite being Will being Jay's material for a quick tug, awkward as hell to me that whole scene was just off the wall bat shit crazy. The slide scene was just nasty but your reaction was legendary, not sure if you have laughed that hard since doing reactions but I think it will take some beating if you haven't!

Bob K

I almost skipped this all together, and then about ten minutes in I thought I don't know, but this ended up being one of the funniest things Ive seen in a while. The movie in Greece was ok but they did a better job of showcasing how stupid these guys are when they get together in this movie. I am on amazon now seeing if I can buy it, so much funny stuff it brought me back to some of the classic episodes. Sad this is it but if they had to go out this was the way to do it.

Ash Jeffries

Fantastic reaction, Josh! I remember almost crying with laughter at the water slide scene the first time I saw it too. Was cracking up watching you lose it and struggle to recover from laughing well into the next scene! Haha! I do prefer the first Inbetweeners film on balance but I don't think this is a bad one. Some extremely funny moments but I do feel they dumbed Neil down to ridiculous level and the sudden personality transplant they gave Lucy felt there purely for plot and made no real sense. For the sake of continuity they could have given Simon a new girlfriend and run the same jokes that way and it would then have retained the sweet end to the first film. She was just so calm and reasonable in the first, especially given how insensitive Simon was being, and it destroyed the continuity changing that. Otherwise it's decent. The water slide scene, Will singing, the fleshing out of Jay's character, all good points. Terrible wigs at the end though! Haha!

Craig Burns

Been watiting for this reaction since the last movie and it didnt disappoint i was literally crying when you were laughing at the shit on the slide bit the way the camera slows it down like hes a monster coming out a swamp is so funny gutted this has ended a bit like when all the karl pilkingtons did but yeh people write this film off its just as funny as the 1st

M Rob

Great reaction Josh, you lost it on the fingering and water slide scene the same as me hahaha I reckon this one is far better than the first one


There's so many more funny moments in the 2nd movie for me than the 1st film. I think you laughed more watching this t it an anything else I've seen you react to, the flume & shit scene had you literally dying with laughter. I only hate the annoying voiced girl will is trying to get.


That was probably the hardest I've ever seen you laugh, and I've been watching you for months 😂 I've seen it multiple times, but watching you crease up at the rape alarm and water slide scene made it way funnier! I dont know why people talk shit about this. Its hilarious.


Honestly just watched that part again I think you maybe should upload it to YouTube with or without the scene, I dunno too much about world records but that's got to be up there! I got it at 2 minutes and 8 seconds of unstoppable contagious laughter, legendary. That could destroy 99% of try not to laughs out there.


Dont think I've ever seen you laugh harder than at the Water-Slide scene!😂 favourite moment for me is Will's outburst in front of Katie & Ben - "get a normal haircut, you unbearable prick" hahaha


As I said in the comment section of Inbetweeners Movie 1, it's not that the film is bad, it's jsut that it doesn't fit with the rest. Turning Lucy into a bunny boiling bitch didn't make much sense to me, and completely erasing any character development that Will went through and reverting him back to being a virgin loser. The funny moments reamin funny though.


Would it be possible to upload these long reactions in two parts to DailyMotion? These links never seem to work for me and DailyMotion always works. Just an idea that’s all :)


The links don’t appear to be working atm but look forward to watching when they do.


I was cracking up man so hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I had such a headache after watching this.


Thanks bud, I was cracking up so hard lol I had to stop recording for the day after I had such a bad headache after laughing so hard.


I can see what you mean bud. I did enjoy it a whole lot but both and the show were really great and this was a good way to end the series for me.


I agree man this movie was hilarious. I was laughing so hard I had to stop recording for the day after this movie.


Thanks bud, I really did like this one a whole lot. I am bummed Inbetweeners is now over but this was a really good end for it.


Thanks man. I appreciate your input and I totally agree. For me the comedy made up for some of the other things that weren't so great. Overall I really liked it a whole lot.

Jack Veazey

Ah Josh your reaction cracked me up, has to be the funniest one yet haha. Keep it up


I clicked on the video as soon as I got the notification, the video itself had no comments or likes, so I’m certain I was one of the first people to view it but it still said the same for me. I had to download it in the end.


What’s next josh now that the inbetweeners is all done? Must say it’s been one of my favourite reaction series. Thanks man


The people that said it is a cash grab focused too much on that point. Who cares if it was a cash grab it was still a funny film


😂 Could be my favourite ever reaction mate, was absolutely creasing up with ya 👍.


That was a brilliant reaction. I was laughing throughout. I had actually forgot how good the film is until watching it back just then with you. So many funny moments 😂


Made my night this, one of your best bro 💯


Hilarous movie. Sad Inbetweeners is over.


Trying to watch the video but it won't let me because there's been to many views on it.

Austin Stratton

Use the Google Drive link and just stream it instead of downloading.. worked for me

Austin Stratton

I loved this movie too.. I don't get why people said it was really bad.. and it has my favourite ever movie scene in it.. "Ah wobobob bob" "What?" "I said, what time is it now?" "No you fucking didn't, you said ah wobobob bob!"


I thought I'd seen this but I hadn't. I prefered it to the first one actually, more of a focus on the pussay patrol instead of the pussay.

Rob OnlyRoss

Honestly bro you watching reactions to the inbetweeners has made me cope though lockdown thank you for this 😂 the actor that plays Simon is in the film called festival which is produced by the same writers as the inbetweeners I think you'll love it its really cringe and has the same humour


It did for sure have a different feeling to it but I still enjoyed it. To each their own bud and I do have more movies coming!


LOL thanks bud, a few people have said the same thing that me laughing so hard made it funny. Thanks man appreciate it!


I had to take a break after recording this because I had such an intense headache from laughing so hard lol. Thank you!


It absolutely dropped me to the floor when you reacted to the poo in the face. Wow😂


Agreed, I enjoyed it a whole lot. To be honest since most movies are remakes now a days alot that comes out is cash grabs.


Thanks man appreciate it! I was laughing way too much I had to stop recording for the night after I watched this I had a headache.


Thanks man I appreciate it. Hoping things get better here soon man it is rough. I will have to check that out man thanks!

Austin Stratton

Josh you have the wrong episode in the Orlando Bloom episode of Extras.. you have two Sam Jackson episodes instead..


iI don't care what anybody says that was hilarious.


Told you it wasn't as bad as they said... The reason why everyone loves the first movie is because (from a UK's perspective) nothing beats that first vacation abroad with your friends to some idyllic sun drenched balearic island with the lads (or lasses, each too their own.... ooh, bit Alan Partridge..... let's move it on). The second movie was more about what 'rich' UK kids do in their gap year (break from university). The rich don't go to Spain, Ibiza or Greece like the rest... Mommy & Daddy sends them off to places like Australia to 'find' themselves. With you being from America, I knew you wouldn't carry sentiment from the first video into this one like most UK folk do, and would treat it as you find it, on its merits. In some ways this is better written than the first movie in terms of situational comedy. Imagine when they finally make a 3rd movie..... its bound to be one of them getting married and the rest of them absolutely fucking it up!....


Thanks bud, this was really good I enjoyed it a whole lot. That is actually a good idea for the 3rd movie they should do that. Take care man!


This was better than the first one.


When I first watched this film I thought it was ok. But watching it again with Josh's reaction made it 10 times funnier! Not sure why. Cheers Josh!


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this to you. But you should check out a film called The Festival it's absolute gold. Joe Thomas(Simon) and Hannah Tointon(Tara) who Joe actually married in real life are in it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Super Mega Giga Chad

Both the movies are great. How many other tv shows make successful funny movies when the finish ? Mostly they are terrible .. think sex and the city 2 lol


Anthony Head is the father of the girl who played Carli, the actress Emily Head


Holy shit. The poop in the water slide was fantastic! You laughter made it even funnier. I cried laughing


I actually like number 2 more than the first one more laughs in it in my opinion

gary middleton

I personally prefer the 2nd film to the first. Keep up the good work 👏


no way