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Sorry, folks no Daily Motion the single file limit is 60 minutes. 

Spoiler Free:  I didn't realize this was a movie lol. I didn't expect a 1hr 20-minute special. This was a great special I really enjoyed it. There were a few interruptions while recording this hopefully they are not too noticeable. I tried to edit them out as clean as possible. 

Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!    Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!

They did a great job with this episode. I thought because it was over an hour they would have to fill it with a bit of fluff. I was completely wrong there no fluff. Excellent job keeping this episode interesting all the way through. It was tough watching Maggie get shit on through most of the episode. That really did make the final scenes so much heavier. I really like how they both road off on an adventure with each other in the end. Ricky's and Ashley's acting was fantastic. They both did a phenomenal job and almost made a fat man weep lol. Excellent ending to an excellent series. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


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Manly Stump

Ooh does that mean next week kicks off Alan Partridge and Red Dwarf? Yay!!!


I have to admit, I cried when I first saw the ending of this episode! Not openly weeping, but there were definitely tears! I was a bit curious if it would get that reaction from you Josh :P well I'll watch the reaction now and see how close you were haha!


just in the nick of time, cheers


That Jade Goody doll makes me laugh every time, saying the racist lines she was famous for in Big Brother.

Kieran B

Gets me every time


It's okay Josh, I choke up at that final scene every single time. :-D

Ash Jeffries

I've got to admit Josh, you're a stronger man than me! Haha! I fill up with tears every time I see Andy's apology to Maggie on Celebrity Big Brother. I think it's my favourite bit of Ricky's performance on this show and Ashley Jensen's acting is phenomenal too. It's so effective because Andy is genuinely remorseful for his actions and you feel that Maggie is getting the apology she deserves. She's clumsy and constantly puts her foot in it but she's obviously such an incredibly nice, good person and she deserves better than she was getting from a friend. I'm so glad you've seen this and that you enjoyed it as much as you did. It's the best episode of Extras and one of the best episodes of anything Ricky and Steve have ever done. Perfectly paced, lots of funny bits, much more drama than before, but also taking the much better route of celebrating friendship than a corny, shoehorned in romantic ending. Fundamentally, the entire show's message was fully realised by the end. Don't be famous for the sake of it, don't forget where you came from, and treat people well on the way up as you will most likely meet them on the way back down. Fantastic rewatching all of this with you, Josh, and look forward to I'm Alan Partridge from next week! (I think? :-) )


This is meant to be in two parts, it drags on a bit as one thing. Funny though how so many jokes really rely on knowing who our Z lister celebs are lol. Lots of jokes are going right over your head just because you don't know these people.


The best piece of acting from Ricky at the end in my eyes, gets me every time! Think Ashley was unreal all the way through the whole series. Such a likeable and believable character. How would you rate the overall series out of 10 Josh!?


When "Andy's" voice cracks when he's talking to Maggie through the TV show is a great moment in TV. They really nailed the reality of that moment, great acting.


What did the cat do wrong 30 minutes in?


I always choke up and I've seen this so many times! So great seeing Karl's tiny cameo ! When you get around to seeing 'Derek' youll find its ten times worse for those 'choked up' moments😪 xx


Your little face when Karl appeared :D LMAOO :)


Wow that was a great episode, I've enjoyed watching this programme for the first time along with you Josh. Ha I wasn't expecting to cry though 😀 that was really well written. I had no idea Karl was in this tbh, your face lit up when you saw him:) The mix of comedy and emotion was perfectly on point. Can't wait to see the next show which replaces this.


You didn't spot Karl 😪


I could see the look in your eyes man, you were truly fighting it haha. It gets us all mate. It's a wonderful scene, not just for what is said, but the acting, from Ricky especially, is superb. It's been a fun ride watching this with you Josh. On to the next one :)


He did. He literally said "there's Karl" and had the biggest smile on his face haha


Thank you so much bud I really enjoyed this episode so much it was fantastic. I was so concerned they would do some type of corny romantic ending as well. I always hate the forced romantic interest lol. Thanks again I look forward to Alan Partridge as well.


Yeah, I had no clue who anyone was in the big brother house lol. I still enjoyed all the jokes I did get though lol.


The short- answer I'm not sure maybe 8.5. Long Answer- I'm terrible with a 1-10 score system lol. Primarily because anything below 7 most people tend to turn their nose up as though it's not worth their time. Anything 9.5- 10 people expect near perfection. That really only leaves you with 7-8.5 to say something is good but not perfect.


Lol, when she gets behind my monitors she tries to chew on the cables and I had my stack of hard drives that I didn't want her to knock over.


Yeah, it was really cool to see Karl. Oh no, I'm only good for short sad moments if it's too long I break lol. I really want to see Derek too


This was such a great show and a fantastic episode. If that scene went on for 30 seconds more I would have lost it lol. As you said it was really well written I loved it. Yeah, it was really cool to see Karl in this, even if it was for a few seconds. I think Alan Partridge fill this spot and Red Dwarf fills the IT crowd spot.


Yeah, it was so hard to hold in it in lol. The acting was fantastic, I know I mentioned Maggie more but as you said Ricky did do a great job. The cracking in his voice sounded so genuine. Thanks for watching bud.

Steve King

Karl Pilkington Going Behind the scenes on the set of "Extras" With Ricky Gervais https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0Qj0-lzj28


Ricky Gervais really is good at tugging the heartstrings. The downside is that sometimes he overdoes i and it gets gloopy, like it did in Derek, where the characters start getting teary eyed talking about how amazing a person Derek is. He still has those lapses where he overdoes it. But they're outweighed by the many moments where he can cut through me like a razor, and suddenly I'm in tears, just welling up. There were quite a few scenes like that in Derek - it was a hit and miss show. And he's also brilliant at making happy endings credible and satisfying. I still think (SPOILER) that the ending to The Office special is one of the loveliest moments in TV history, where David Brent finally does what the audience has been wishing he'd do for two and a bit seasons, and tells Finchy to fuck off.

Z is for Zed

Maybe best to hold off talking about the ending of The Office until he's seen it...


For some reason I am not able to watch it on the Google Drive.


If you're too early it won't play. Either download it or come back a little later, should be watchable.


This is a great finial episode. Dude never hold back, if you go you go, if you don't you don't. I did it for years and like you said in another comment, who are you staying strong for. Now I cry and everything lol, it's very cathartic. If you do work your way through all of Ricky's shows then I'm particularly looking forward to After Life.


Of course it did. I see your comments all the time, you love a bit of racism and homo/transphobia don't you. What Jade said and did to Shilpa Shetty was disgusting and racist and there is nothing funny about it. But of course that was your one take away from this whole episode. the same as it always is. not the beautiful story and characters. just laughing with racists and at people because they're different.


Two great cameos in this episode. Karl and Pugsley again! As others have said, this episode is the best thing steve and ricky did together. Its so well put together and has such an important message. Barrys 'fame is a mask' line, sums the whole episode up. great video as always josh.


Men behaving badly is a great show buddy so is Misfits


I never even knew this episode existed. So I'm reacting with you!! What an episode it was! Funny and sad. Didn't you spot Karl?


This special was more like the next shows he did, Derek and After Life. They are funny, but with Ricky's real heart and soul laid bare. Lot's of real laughs but also genuine tears. loved watching this again with you.


That was amazing. I love Maggie.


Thanks bud, I did really enjoy this show a whole lot and the last episode especially was fantastic. Take care bud!


Amazing last episode, only seen it once when it first aired. Andy's rent about celebrities was so relevant then and even more so now! Everyone who wants to be famous will do anything to get there. Generally speaking you go on big brother here when you need to try and turn around your image or have been out of work for years and need the money!


LOL totally agree man. They have so many shows like that over here where celebrities go on as a last attempt to fix their image.


You need to react to both series of Ricky gervais afterlife. We really will see a fat man cry at that lol. So funny yet so sad at the same time it’s genius


LOL I will check it out soon man make sure you watch out for future Polls for what show I should watch next.