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First Place-The office -New Time Slot: Thursdays 

Second Place- Fawlty Towers-New Time Slot: Sundays 

Third Place- Red Dwarf-New Time Slot: Tuesdays

Forth Place- I'm Alan Partridge-New Time Slot: Mondays

I appreciate everyone who participated in the polls thanks so much !!




So buzzing for Fawlty Towers 🤙🏼




So excited to see you watch fawlty towers especially 😀


Looking forward to the new line up. Sure you'll enjoy them all!

Stuart Fewtrell

Looking forward to Red Dwarf Tuesdays! 😃


Never say Alan Again 😍


Smoke me a kipper i'll be back for breakfast


Love all these shows but voted for Red Dwarf and Alan Partridge is one of my all times faves so I'm very happy!!

Mike B

Happy about Fawlty Towers. Red Dwarf I think you'll enjoy a lot as well but at 60+ episodes it's going to be a long run.

Ash Jeffries

I love all four of these shows for very different reasons so I am chuffed! :-)


Superb! Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will be awesome! Roll on cracking through these and hopefully we can get Young Ones next! 🙌🏼


Aha! So far I've only been interested in 2 of the 7 shows - Only Fools and Bottom. Now I have Fawlty Towers, Alan Partridge and Red Dwarf to look forward to! Great news - especially as Little Britain didn't make it ;). Hoping for Blackadder next!


You can't do 'I'm Alan Partridge' before 'Knowing me, knowing You with Alan Partridge'. They should have been on the list as one thing. The story continues from that show and it is the main arc of the 1st 6 episodes of 'I'm Alan Partridge' him trying to get another season of that show.


Need to get porridge on the new poll. Can't believe spaced didn't get picked. If you love the simon Pegg films it's an obvious choice. An absolute must watch.

Jonathan Giles

Finally red dwarf lol. Love that show. Gives me a excuse to re watch them


So glad Fawlty Towers and Red Dwarf are in there :) I've never seen full episodes of Alan Partridge so it'll be good to get to watch those for the first time along with you.


Thrilled fawlty towers got in!!


All incredible shows, I'm so excited! You'll love them all I'm sure

Manly Stump

Very happy with these four! One thing I will say about Fawlty Towers, if you're going to be watching them on Netflix or something they'll probably have certain parts censored out for being "un-PC". I'm not sure how you and the other Patreons feel but it might be worth trying to source a copy with these parts left in?


Yess the office is so awkward I love it


Spaaaaaaaaaaaaced. It has to win eventually!!! One day..one day


A lot of people don't appreciate it. You have to be a giant nerd and be big on pop-culture references to really appreciate the show. I find the new generation Don't care for it because they mainly don't understand it, while those in their late 20s 30s and 40s have a greater appreciation for it.


nooooo TM&WL came 6th xD please have it up in next poll in coming months :D , cant stress how much i want that to be reacted to in full ! looking forward to Red Dwarf though :) !!!

Teddy Alison

There was no Come Fly With Me on the poll :(

Thomas McDonald

I'd say you kind of need to watch at least a clip of 'Knowing Me Knowing You with Alan Partridge' before watching 'I'm Alan Partridge'. I don't think you need to watch the whole show (even if I do love it) as 6 episodes of a show that didn't win the poll just for context might be a bit much, but it is important for understanding where Alan is at the start of IAP. A few clips is probably a good idea.

Ash Jeffries

Agreed, only a clip or two of KMKY will be required to grasp the context for I'm Alan Partridge. I think it's nowhere near as good as I'm Alan Partridge and I saw I'm Alan Partridge first, having only seen clips of KMKY. It made perfect sense. I've since rewatched IAP many times but only ever seen KMKY once... and I wouldn't watch it again.


yeh good idea. have an idea what alan partridge was like on tv






I think the current line up is great, but will check some of these out. What I would like to see is Josh deciding on maybe 2-3 of the shows and take the test to the polls. At the end of the day you need to be watching shows you also find interesting (rather than the wider public).


the two above are really funny




I'm pretty happy with the polls as I think each are excellent shows, although I'm worried that Fawlty Towers may not have aged well as it's been a long long time since I last saw it and it's the oldest show on the list. I'm so happy that Little Britain didn't make it, although I'm perturbed that it (and Derick) scored so highly. I concur with others that watching a clip or two (or even the entirety of the last episode) of Knowing Me Knowing You is advisable to give some context to I'm Alan Partridge, but it is not necessary in its entirety as it lacks the depth of later Alan Partridge content.


Sorry man I add the shows that get a big amount of requests and I have only had a few for that show. If I get more I will for sure add it.


Derek is fantastic and I hope one day Josh gets to see it.

Mark Carr

Pretty chuffed with three out of four of those (Gervais not really my thing personally), have been hoping Josh would pick up Red Dwarf since I discovered the channel as it's my all time favourite TV show (especially series 3-6). :)


Happy Alan Partridge got a slot!

Rich Moyse

OMG what a time to be alive 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Adam C Turek

Red Dwarf in its first series is quite dry, still good but the show evolves into something much more colourful and adventurous.

Z is for Zed

Got to agree with Adam, it starts a bit shaky. Also didn't care much for the "domestic sitcom in space" season very much, but otherwise enjoy a lot of it.

Michael Harrop

I'm so excited for Red Dwarf, one of my absolute favourite shows!!


The only scene which is removed that I'm aware of with Fawlty Towers is the Germans episode when the major used the N-word to describe the West Indies cricket team.


Shame Blackadder missed the cut but four great choices nonetheless.


I'm gutted The Mighty Boosh didnt get higher up the list


some great choices there. the one i like the least is the office and yet i still like it a lot. i'd have loved to see young ones make the cut but hey ho, one for the future hopefully.


Hi Josh, gotta say I'm fairly happy with the new line-up, although a couple of my choices didn't make the cut I'm generally happy! I was wondering how you will go about the next poll, will you add more shows? take some away? replace some? My opinion (which has been shared by a few other patrons) is that sketch shows don't need to take a weekly slot, as they are perfect material for youtube, simply reacting to individual recommended sketches. Seeing you watch a show develop is one of the main attractions of your patreon specific content so I think we'd generally be alright with you removing them from future polls. If other patrons disagree then feel free to shout me down! this is just the feeling I've gathered from reading comments on the poll. As a lot of the shows have a relatively short run I think it's no harm having less shows on a poll, knowing that eventually you will have a chance to get to the less popular ones, once you've gotten through the highly requested ones. I'm willing to wait for Spaced, as much as I want to see it, but I think Blackadder should be on a shortlist! While I'm leaving a comment I may as well say, for the future I'm really hoping for Blackadder, Spaced, Mighty Boosh, Black Books, and maybe Taskmaster (bit different as it's not a sitcom, but you might eventually run out of the great sitcoms!) You should like Black Books as you did Father Ted and IT Crowd, and you should like Spaced as you liked the Cornetto Trilogy. The Boosh is probably like nothing you've seen before, and Blackadder is simply a classic! So for your sake I hope they make the cut one day!


Thanks man, I let you all decide because I haven't seen any or a very small amount of these shows so I don't know which ones I would like better. I like to think that you all know me well enough by now to know what I would like.


Thank you! I will be doing another poll once I get close to finishing another show. I add shows based on how many requests I get. Some show like Mighty Boosh doesn't get anywhere to the amount of requests as The office or Red Dwarf. But as I get through the really popular ones I will then watch the ones that are not requested as much. Thank you so much for understanding and I am looking forward to watching all of these shows at some point!

Conal Brady

so happy these woman, true english comedy pioneers


Taskmaster is a must

Austin Stratton

Damn, Toast of London is right in Josh's comedy line too, based on what he finds hilarious he wouldn't stop laughing at Matt Berry in this.. Hopefully it gets another chance

David Szoke

If the Fast show is there then I think Harry Enfield should be up there too