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Spoiler Free:  Very funny episode, I really look forward to the next episode so many folks have been amping it up for so long.  Pugs interrupted the reaction for a while, she has needed extra attention lately lol.  

Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!

This was a really great episode I loved the D&D scenes. Moss was a really good dungeon master. I hated D&D because my first experience was so boring. I changed my mind after playing with a good group and a great Dungeon master. Moss and Roy's conversation during D&D cracked me up. Looking out for his buddy the only way he knows how. Just trying to give him some closure. As soon as Moss started and Roy gave him that face I thought oh no lmao. Great episode !!

 Roy crying was as funny as Jez crying in the last episode of Peep Show. Also at the 15-minute mark when the Business guy said I'm a woman and the other two made that noise it reminded me of Eddie and Richie on Bottom lol. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! 

Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!  

As always I would love to read your comments below 


The IT Crowd_ Season 4, Episode 1.mp4


Fred bates

I think you should probably watch an episode of countdown before you watch the it crowd countdown episode and you will find it a lot funnier.

Fred bates

Or an episode of 8 out of 10 cats does countdown.

Jake Snow

Great stuff mate. I would also recommend an underrated gem of a show called Garth Merenghi's Darkplace, which stars Moss and Douglas from this. It's basically a washed up horror author presenting a show he made in the 80s, replete with awful acting, production values and special effects that make Dr Who look like Michael Bay. Aside from the general insanity and wackiness (which we know you like) of Darkplace's storylines and the obvious hilarity of the bad editing (like stuff being in someone's hand one second and then edited out the next) and acting, it's really well crafted and the script just gets across the author's hubris and prejudices in the funniest way. It's only one series so it's tragically short, but really worth a watch. There's nothing else like it and it's great to see Richard Ayoade playing a character that's about the furthest thing from Moss you can get.

Michael Harrop

The seaparks episode is one of my favourite episodes of any comedy. I do worry the hype for that and the Countdown one will have set your expectations too high 😂

Louis Hessey-Antell

As I mentioned before, please watch Countdown clips so you get the tone and won't be too out of water!

Jade Nepia

"notice me senpai!"

Rob Weetman

Ah man not long till seaparks, hopefully it wont disappoint

Adam C Turek

Next episode has two actors from the MCU, one lesser known.


He already watched several clips of 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. I don't think he needs do go too deeper on that to understand the episode.


One of my favourite episodes by far, season 4 is off to a great start


Gotta say Pugsley is gorgeous and future cameos would be welcome.

Jon Johnson

Why did you cut the cat bits out??


LOL they were being very bad, I don't think you all want to watch me try to get a cat from behind my computer monitor for 5 minutes.


Pugsley is a bit on the large side. Needs to go on a diet!