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Spoiler Free: This movie was fantastic !!

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I forgot to edit out my sneeze at about 3 minutes in so that will be a treat for you guys lol. Even with him being screw up Ed was one of my favorite characters. He was goofy, funny, loyal, and seemed to be happy with his life exactly the way it was. David was one of the most annoying characters I have ever experienced in a movie. I was looking forward to something happening to him lol. This movie was also pretty heavy for a horror-comedy. I didn't expect the emotional scenes between Shaun and his stepfather or the sad death of his mother. When they killed Ed I was a bit annoyed but the ending kind of made up for it. I don't have much to type down here because I said most of what I wanted to say at the end of the movie. I ramble for a good 6-8 minutes. This was an all-around great movie. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!  

As always I would love to read your comments below


Shaun of the Dead 2004.mp4



Yes! Looking forward to this...

Kieran B

Well that’s this evening sorted, such a great film, think you’ll love Spaced too when you eventually get the chance to watch it


Yes! I just sat down to relax and this popped up 😁👌 perfect timing Josh. Can't wait to watch this. So glad you enjoyed it.

Michael Harrop

Yes lad!! Can I get any of you cunts a drink?

James Aston

This should be fun! Can't believe you haven't seen this before, but it is a British film that all Brits have seen!

Michael Harrop

I'm sure the comments will help out with all the Easter eggs in this film. There are a tonne. For example when Shaun and Ed are talking about their plan for the night it spells out what is going to happen in the film. 'Well have a bloody Mary first thing (Mary is the zombie they kill in the garden in the morning), a bite at the Kings Head (Philip's death), a couple at the little princess (picking up Liz David and Diane), stagger back here (they imitate zombies on the way back), and back at the bar for shots (they use the rifle in the pub for the final shootout)'. Such stellar writing man!


oh baby, its here!

Toby Lewis

Just about to write the same myself. Can’t wait to see this. It gets better every time. “Reload” “I’m on it.” It’s on random. Cock it. So much foreshadowing and so many things that keep reappearing.


Surprising treat, even though I think the film is way overrated.

Mike B

this is brilliant, your patreon is well worth the money unlike some others


Man he's only 29 in this... I'm mid 30s now :( I was a young teen when I saw this lol.


13:18 This little bit reminds me of HL2 for some reason.


Those Sound Effects, knew he was playing Timesplitters lol.


My man!! Many of these actors are also in Spaced. In fact an episode of Spaced was the inspiration for this movie. There's an actual zombie episode. Plus He has tons of dawn of the dead (original version) posters and t shirts in Spaced as well. This is why I say you gotta watch spaced. It's like Shaun of the dead but 2 seasons worth!!


The bit when they meet the other group with similar characters was supposed to be as if they're in their own movie doing pretty much the same but with better and more famous (in the UK) actors

Happiest Aku

Just so you know, they have three extras on the DVD that shows how Shaun gave the Zombies the "Slip" before they all realised he was behind them and they stated following him back to The Winchester, how Diane survives after using David's leg as a weapon and is still in contact with Shaun and Liz and How Shaun got Ed back the his garden so he could keep him in the shed.


Just me who forgot there was an N-bomb in the movie? Anywho, Edgar Wright is an absolute genius. His cinematography, his use of sound and music, his use of references and easter eggs. It's insane. You can watch this movie so many times and pick up things. Heres a decent vid that highlights some things you might have missed: https://youtu.be/7vBNtM6Ciis But yeah there is so so so much more

David Williams

There's a great subtle joke when you see the zombie shopkeeper he's holding out his hand palm up, asking Shaun for the 15p he owes him.


Yes get in! I voted for this one


That the Eastenders Pub?


Edgar wright is my favourite director, I hope that you also get to watch baby driver and Scott Pilgrim!

Michael Harrop

The actor playing Shaun and Ed's flatmate is Peter Serafinowicz, who is the voice actor for Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace

Manly Stump

It's been a while since I've seen this, I forgot just how many repeated lines there were!

Kieran B

As others have said there’s so many Easter eggs and great little jokes that you might miss the first time round, definitely worth a second watch

Kieran B

As far as I’m aware ‘lock ins’ aren’t really a widespread thing in bars in the US, but that’s what they were doing when the zombie bangs on the door and the landlord says “we’re closed” - where regulars stay after licensed hours and the doors are locked. And pisshead means drunk (pissed up), and tea can mean evening dinner as well as the drink.


They also made a 4th film together that wasn’t part of the trilogy, called Paul. Maybe you’ve seen it but another really funny film from both of them


Oh fuck i never realised it was Dawn from The Office. lmao how did i not notice

Kieran B

I think one thing between US and UK stuff is that we tend to blur genres more, a film or show can be a mix of horror, comedy and drama - like this Inside No 9, and the police drama No Offence which is dark and hilarious; I think in the US things tend to be more one thing or the other. Glad you enjoyed it mate, thought you would. I’ve watched this so many times and even caught a new reference this time, when they’re in the Winchester and Ed says “top left” and “reload” it’s a callback to playing Timesplitters in their house at the start - how have I never noticed that one before.


How have I never notice that last bit on the TV before he switches it off at the end - the cause of rage infected monkeys has been written off as bull-" links it to 28 days later ( in my opinion the best zombie film made so far)

Bryant Reil

Excellent film! Perhaps my favorite zombie film. Can't wait for you to do Hot Fuzz.


loved watching this with ya :) cant wait for more !!!!


I agree the movie was very well done I really enjoyed it a whole lot. I will for sure watch it again. I will for sure check out that video thanks man =]


Oh ok yea I don't think they do that in bars here, at least I have never heard of that. If anything some bars will let you smoke when you are not supposed to indoors.


That is awesome man, I really enjoyed it. I think it is cool the blend two movie styles together though it for sure makes it more interesting.


You referenced the trilogy after the movie - it's called the 'Cornetto Trilogy'. When Shaun asks Ed what he'd like from the shop, Ed replies "Cornetto" - an ice cream. He's later seen eating the Cornetto on the couch. Different flavoured Cornettos make an appearance in 'Hot Fuzz' and 'The World's End', but you'll have to keep an eye out for them!


It was great to watch this again (for the 6th or 7th time) with you. I like how, at the end, we see that Ed’s existence is, essentially, unchanged! He can live chained up in the shed without it really affecting how he used to live.

Adam C Turek

Diane the actor friend actually survived, they made some animated shorts for the dvd to explain how the zombies followed Shaun back to the pub. One of them showed that she survives by sitting in a tree and eating the remains of her boyfriends leg til she's rescued. The co writer and director Edgar Wright went to a showing in Harlem to see how an American audience would react, only to realize the N word from Ed was about to happen in a cinema filled with a mostly Black audience and started to worry. Luckily he said it got one of the biggest laughs of the night. If you can, find the outtakes for this film, they're amazing. https://youtu.be/Ki2ztahMxeg


Thanks man, very true lol. I did like that Shaun did continue to care for him though. Very different than other zombie movies but I really enjoyed it a whole lot =]


That is awesome man, I watched a few YT videos about the movie last night to get some extra insight. I bet that was hilarious, I mean if I saw it in theaters I would have cracked up at that part too it was hilarious. I will bud thanks =]


Well that was fun

Sean O'Donnell

One of my all time faves. I've lost count on how many times I've seen this. Loved watching all again today too. Simon peg is such a good actor, both the scene with his mum dying gets me every time. The whole trilogy is fantastic. I found Worlds End was one that took a bit of time to grow on me, I've watched it a few times now though and love it more each time.

David Lyons

As people have pointed out, so much foreshadowing and callbacks. One that hasn't been mentioned is during Pete's rant against Ed he shouts "You want to live like an animal? Go live in the shed!" ...which he does!


This movie was so good I loved it. Hilarious but well written and some really great sad moments. I look forward to checking out the others in the trilogy. =]

Paul Lightfoot

Great film,Hot fuzz just about tops it for me,The worlds end is the weakest of the 3 movies..was fun to watch it again as not seen it for years now:)


The film "Paul" is worth a watch too, was that film included in the poll? Hot fuzz is brilliant and the world's end is decent enough.


That's weird, i left a comment here saying i couldnt belive it was dawn from the office. but when i woke up this morning i don't remember ever having watched this patreon upload? But as im watching this reaction i know i have. wtf. i hope thats just my brain going a bit crazy. (EDIT:) Ok i watched this yesterday morning, I think ive got amnesia.


Never realised how many hidden gems are in this. Like in the original Night of the living dead where the guy keeps saying THEYRE COMING TO GET YOU BARBARA, and you got Ed saying "We're coming to get you barbara!" i wonder just how many hidden gems there are in the trilogy referencing other films


I don't remember if Paul was on it, the poll was rather large so it probably was. I will watch all three for sure though =]

Z is for Zed

I was watching this in the tiny Patreon window with the even smaller reaction window in the corner and immediately recognised Timesplitters 2. I need to get out more.


It's a famous appearance by Timesplitters 2. Simon Pegg is a genuine gamer, one of a group in British comedy, including Graham Linehan and Peter Serafinowicz.


To be fair, when Shaun's blaming himself at the end...he's pretty much spot on. It was a terrible, terrible plan and got a lot of people killed. Mind you, if you logically analyse what the heroes of action movies do they're pretty much all complete idiots who make consistently terrible decisions. Shaun's not unique in that respect.


Give this one a shot bud https://ws.onehub.com/files/gaf42ezj