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Spoiler Free: Overall this was a fun episode and I enjoyed it a lot. 

Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!    Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!

Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!    Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!

I loved the footballer website, I could really use something like that lol. I could have really used it back in the day when football was brought up by customers and employees almost daily. By back in the day I mean when I use to work in electronics at Walmart. There was always at least one person talking to you about sports when purchasing a new TV. 

When Moss said let's go back to being weird, I've had similar thoughts.  I have been in so many situations where I thought why did I try this. I could be at home doing my dork stuff and loving it big time lol.

As always I would love to read your comments below.

Thanks for watching .


The IT Crowd_ Season 3, Episode 2 Are We Not Men_.mp4


Michael Harrop

The whole 'did you see that ludicrous display last night' exchange has become part of the British lexicon. Use it all the time whenever anyone talks about football 😂


Great reaction as ever. I have one request though, could you possibly bring the show audio up a touch? It always seems a little low compared to your own. :)

Adam C Turek

first Peep Show now IT Crowd on Male Co Star Kisses - and its not even Pride week


I love how the police cars just keep on coming 😂 thanks for the reaction, good episode.


I don’t generally consider myself to be very funny but I was in a 2-chair kids’ hairdresser in Vancouver about a year ago with my 3 year old and I realized that the guy sitting in the waiting area next to me (who was clearly the dad of the kid in the chair next to my son) was none other than Chris O’Dowd. I didn’t want to disturb his personal family time but he could tell I recognized him and sort of gave me a small smile and nod as if to say “yep - it’s me - hithanksforwatching”. After about 30 seconds of semi-awkward silence (our kids were engrossed in Paw Patrol or some similar show) he burst out laughing when I leaned over, broke the silence and asked “did you see that ludicrous display last night?” I was quite proud of myself. Turns out he was in town filming for The Twilight Zone - we chatted for about 10 minutes and he seemed like a really down to earth guy - not quite as neurotic as Roy, unsurprisingly.


Don't know if you noticed Josh but the guy Roy approaches in the pub was the same actor as the mechanic who threw Will in the lake in Inbetweeners


That is awesome. I have yet to watch the new Twilight Zone, Tay loves the old one so we will have to watch it at some point. That is cool you saw him out and about, at a children's hairdresser no less.