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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/10YxX0yvCGDQnWtsUyKUP7e-mT7hiFoGQ/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-http://www.mediafire.com/file/d7ducpzj8s4uur6/Misfits_Season_2_Episode_4_Ollie_an_environmental_protester.mp4

Dailymotion Temporary Link-https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x90atq4

Daily Motion Password: 95

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David Lyons

This aired a couple of years after GTA4 came out and while 3 was groundbreaking, 4 had a LOT of negative press surrounding it (anyone remember Jack Thompson?), unfairly so if you ask me, as it had a very well written and satirical side to it that touched on things like immigration. Hell, Niko even apologises to people if you run them over! This episode gives me the feeling that the writer had a friend or loved one that played too much GTA, and feels a bit crude or heavy handed IMO. Anyway, as a side note, I didn't have a PS1 at the time, so Code Veronica on DC was my first Resident Evil game. It's not the best, but it might be my favourite due to nostalgia and impact it had on me as a teenager. Hope it gets a remake one day! :)

(Just) Steve

Laughed my arse off at your reaction when the guy got shot. “SHIIIT!!!” 🤣