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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link--https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O9mfPPNc4pkX_b-ngaS2N7ygL56fe_NN/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-http://www.mediafire.com/file/b7t7kuqslym57qn/Taskmaster_Season_14_Episode_3_Dafty_in_the_Middle.mp4

Dailymotion Temporary Link-https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8xf3za

Daily Motion Password: 95

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David Lyons

Potentially the best episode of the series (although there are some brilliant tasks still to come!) Incidentally the game show mentioned near the end, "Play Your Cards Right", was the long running (80s-00s) UK version of "Card Sharks", which ran for a few years in America in the late 70s, but didn't take off compared to, say, Wheel of Fortune or The Price Is Right. It simply involved flipping over playing cards and guessing whether the next card would be of a higher or lower value.


What a great episode. John shouting 'something's happened! Something's fucking happened!' when he caught the ball was hilarious to me for some reason 😁 I can't believe he actually caught it and only got 4th place lol.