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Aaaaahhhhhhh, September. The month fall begins! Leaves begin to change, weather starts to cool, and pumpkin spice attempts world domination.

With plenty of warm sunshine left, do you all decide to go with some more fun in the sun or start prepping for the change of the season?

Ideas to vote on:

Inflation 102: Sequel to August pic. Inflation can't be covered in just one night class! Time for more lessons on how to do proper and safe puffing.

Fall Float Parade: Competition sparks rivalries. A parade float gets damaged, but luckily a little helium can make for a great improvised blimp.

Back to School: Kids are gone, that means more "me" time for MILFs. Those matronly curves get a boost and body round as things get a bit out of hand. It feels just so damn GOOD.

Big as a Barn: Autumn means harvesting. Harvesting means farming. Farming means inflation. Well maybe not so much, but it does on TuzzleJazz farms! Someone decides to help out, and out, and out...

Roll for Initiative: Baldur's Gate is out, interest in tabletop games is up! Dungeon Master Tuzz enjoys making the game immersive for his players. Shrinking them down and going on an adventure with all sorts of inflatable obstacles! 


Stream Schedule for September!

Weekends are a bit whacky this month with how the days turn out, so they are gonna be bunched a tad!

Stream Day 1: Saturday Sept. 16th

Stream Day 2: Sunday Sept 24th

There will be cheese pizza and napkins. Please contact your ISP if the pizza does not come through your modem as planned.


Thank you all for your patience BTW. I was planning on posting more things in September, but long story short we had multiple health issues come up and it has thrown a wrench in a LOT.

We should be past them though and good to resume normal roundage!


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