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This week, James and Jimmie discuss prison riots! 



I have worked in both a private and a state prison as a mental health therapist… the private prison had better cafeteria food that I ate every once in a while. The state prison food was fucking nasty. Both prisons had a lot of education and programs. Several guys earned college degrees and trades. But it’s much more complicated than just conditions. Most high security prisons are violent because the number of psychopaths and sociopaths make there way into those facilities. Put 900 of them in an enclosure and mayhem is inevitable. They can and will find any reason to justify chaos. I’ve seen some crazy ass human behavior while I worked in the state prison. Inmate on inmate fights were a daily occurrence, staff assaults at least a couple a week and attempted riots about one a month.


Convict should be treated like convicts, taxes aren’t ever going down anyway