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This week, James and Jimmie discuss the Laci Peterson trial and whether Scott Peterson is super guilty, or the world's most unlucky person ever. 




Hi guys! Love the show! First time chiming in. I think Scott had planned the murder since he found out she was pregnant. He hoped something would go wrong and she would miscarry but he had always planned to take her out in the late stages of the pregnancy. She would be unable to fight back as hard and more likely to go into a protect the baby mode therefore also less likely to fight.


Interesting how you guys covered this! Thank you ! Per mental health research we have found there are four crisis responses for people now: flight, fight, freeze and Fawn. Fawning is going along and appeasing the abuser to hopefully keep oneself safe and or alive. There’s much more detail to it, but that’s the essence of fawn crisis response. :) I found this all fascinating.