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This week, James and Jimmie discuss the infamous 'Atlanta Gold Club' and the wild stories that go with it. 



Crowded Crow

I don't speak for all women but I'm also not an aberration when I assure you that I didn't go to strip clubs to pretend to be one of the guys. It wasn't about being one of you, I was plenty happy to be myself, a self-assured hedonist. It never occurred to me that I'd be getting in the way of your 'sexual things', turns out I gave you more credit than you deserved. As for me, I'm straight as a wicked arrow, but I enjoyed looking at naked bodies and reveling in the sexual tension I could feel all around me. Also, as an attractive young woman, many of the dancers enjoyed showing off - sidling up and pressing their curves against me. They smelled wonderful and I was drunk on the attention. And yes, I was raised in a very repressed environment so you best believe it was 'empowering' to engage in an activity that I found incredibly erotic and exciting, at the time. It was never about appearing attractive to men, nor did it involve some absurd effort to interfere with their experience, all I wanted was to enjoy my nights out; I was young and unbound and the feeling was heady... perhaps even "refreshing". It was also a phase I grew out of, one I don't regret. You'll likely never see this comment and I doubt you'd give two fucks what I or any other female might have to say about our experience with strip clubs, even if you did. Still, just as you're educating us on what guys really think, I'm returning the favor... and while I'm a bit chafed at your dismissiveness and objectification, I'm still terribly fond of you both, you're not scumbags, I'm a fucking turkey and DICKS ARE NOT THE ONLY GENITALS THAT SEEK/CELEBRATE REWARDS. A necessary public service announcement and you're welcome, it's been my pleasure!


i guess we know now how the intern payed for law school😄