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This week, James and Jimmie discuss some weird, strange small towns from across America! 

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I’m from Dallas but my dad was raised in PA, and I spent a significant amount of time there, including visiting Centralia several times. The abandon properties are haunting. There is a skeletal outline of what was once a bustling small town. The vents opening from the ground belch acrid smoke from the coal fire below, the ground feels warm to the touch and if you are exposed to it long enough, the toxic air can make you woozy. The last time we were there, circa early 2000s, I believe we counted approximately 11 residential properties still in use. Like I responded to another post, the director of Silent Hill was inspired by Centralia but the town never served as a filming location. I was surprised it wasn’t mentioned in James’ very thorough telling of the town’s history. I loved this bonus!


Centralia is close to where i grew up we use to go there when I was a kid. There were tons of horror story from there and rumors that kids died there but we went there all the time and the ground is warm. When I was a kid there were actually a few people who use to live there. Also, Silent hill is inspired by Centralia which is pretty cool. There is also a place called Canonsburg which is a radio-active town and it's pretty cool also there are stray dogs there and very fun to go see.