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This week, James and Jimmie discuss the 1994-1995 OJ Simpson Trial.


Erin Isabella

The blood evidence the prosecution argued as the DNA proof was shown to be planted. It contained preservative used in the collection process and particularly the socks were impossible to have the blood pattern necessary. This case has always been fascinating to me. From the very beginning, I felt the son, Jason did it. The evidence is much more compelling and convincing to me. He also had motive, rage issues, and a pre and post history of knife attacks on others.

Hilary Price

Check out the Charlie Erhlich angle. Coke and mob connections. Interesting stuff

Kelli Hornback

Fun fact! My husbands boss is a huge sports memorabilia collector… his white whale was the OJ Heisman Trophy… said boss OWNS OJ’s Heisman Trophy!