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Here's my homage to Toriyama sensei - one of my favorite artists! He's a major influence on why I do comics today. His storytelling and panel arrangements are consistently excellent, making action scenes easy to follow and impactful, even for casual manga readers. His mechs and vehicle designs have always captivated me, with their curves and clever functionality integrated into the designs. What I admire most is the fun of drawing them without the rulers or straight lines.

His shorter works like Cowa and Sandland resonate with both young and old readers, offering valuable life lessons amidst the humor, such as how vampire children should attend school. Toriyama's comedy shines through in all his works! Toriyama has always been a gag manga artist through and through!

Recently, I played Dragon Quest XI and I was drawn to its character designs and story. While Toriyama didn't write the storyline, his influence is evident, particularly in the humor and power-ups. Character getting a power boost?! - Hair makeover and blasting aura! It's obvious that both Toriyama and Yuji Hori, the creator of Dragon Quest, have enjoyed collaborating on these projects. Both are fans of each other I believe.

I'm always thankful to Toriyama and his works. It's what inspired me to draw and make stories that made me not be bored in life forever. My ideal getaway has always been staying home, drawing, crafting plots, and designing. It's through this act that I've found my livelihood, providing for my family's needs, which I am very thankful of. Truly, Toriyama will be missed and his works and influences will live on. Thank you and rest in peace Toriyama.

Back to work and SLASH - SLASH updates tomorrow!



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