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Hi there, friends. Here we are again. It's another dispatch from the skeleton crew at 65LABS, keeping you up to date with the wider goings on of 65daysofstatic. 

It's not an easy gig tbh, being stuck in here. Trying to keep their primary outpost for Wild Sonic Experimenting in working order while eagerly awaiting their return. The doom winds are battering the windows. The dust is becoming sentient. The kick drum vats are drying up. The sine wave tanks are depleted. The piano melody fruits we've been cultivating are wilting on the vine. The spinning jennys have been smashed to pieces by mysterious forces… But 65LABS stands strong. Ready to be re-activated when the moment comes.

In the meantime, as usual, your favourite Hyper Noise Subscription Service remains on pause. You won’t be charged for November. Or October. Whichever month this non-existent charge is supposed to cover.

While the LAB itself languishes in this much-needed downtime, the 65LABS comrades that have ventured out into the real world during this sabbatical continue to spread their various noises far and wide. Here are some updates on their desperate plights:


If you’ll recall, the new Haus Horo e.p was released minutes before we pressed send on last month's update, so we didn’t have time to properly extoll its virtues. But now we do. So if it passed you by last time, know that, first of all, 65’s very own ultra-drummer Rob Jones is responsible for smashing out all the goth doom beats in Haus Horo. Second of all, if you have seen 65daysofstatic live any time from the Wild Light era onwards, there’s a reasonably good chance that during a few songs an extra guitarist joined us on stage. This was probably Frank, long time 65 comrade, vague-but-enthusiastic-guitar-tech, general tour sage, and probably a better guitarist than all of 65days combined. Here he is on stage with us a few years ago at Exit Festival in Serbia.


Anyway, Frank and his fizzy guitar sonics are also in Haus Horo. So do check it out, if you'd like. It is the Season of the Goth after all.


Seemingly out of nowhere, Simon from 65days’ NVLL project sprang back to life this month, dropping new track Boy with dog. A different flavour of haunting, this one. If Haus Horo are a Lovecraftian, unravelling sense of dread, then the new NVLL is more like the quiet ghostery of a long forgotten tomb. A peaceful haunting. Stretched electronic spectres, testing the edges of cave-like surroundings. Calming, austere, modular synth ambience. If you’re familiar with earlier NVLL material then Boy with dog sounds like a logical followup to 2015’s The Lamplighter.

Additionally, if you’re missing the occasional live streams from Wreckage Systems, why not follow Simon on Instagram for crisp modular synth videos? Or reels. Or IGTV. Or whatever they’ve renamed things to on Insta this week in a desperate attempt to stem the hilarious haemorrhaging of cash from Zuckerberg’s various pockets.


In the slowest album-organising for quite some time, Paul from 65days' forthcoming, technically-unannounced Polinski record that has been trailed on here for the last few months is finally nearing the actually-getting-announced stage. The mastering has been done. The artwork by another long-time 65 comrade, Caspar Newbolt, is as tasty as ever. And Paul is very excited to be working with a great label who are new to 65daysofstatic, and so have yet to be ground down by our relentless commercial unsuccess. Much, much more info on this record will be coming soon. Expect Paul to hijack all 65 comms channels when the time comes, in an effort to not immediately get lost in the deathly churn of the internet.

Also, earlier in the month, he played a bunch of new techno at No Bounds Festival. A great time was had by all. He forgot to record it, but here’s a boring photo he took at soundcheck:


Finally, with all the regularity of a solar eclipse, this month all four O.G members of 65daysofstatic sat in the same room together for multiple hours. Since the pandemic this sadly happens a lot less than you might expect. A grand old time was had. Schemes were schemed, jokes were joked, spreadsheets were laughed at, various wild ambitions were tempered with pragmatism until they got too boring and were abandoned. Nevertheless, it was great to check-in and remind ourselves that we are a band who is not going anywhere. Apart from into new, unexplored territory. Very, very slowly.

Ok. That’s all, friends. Solidarity with all kids puncturing SUV tires, cementing golf course holes, throwing soup at any and all cultural artefacts, chucking paint at luxury cars/goods, climbing bridges… Consider us humbled. As always: FUCK the tories! REJECT austerity being framed as a necessity rather than a political choice! BEWARE the centrist commentariat relaxing into ‘at least politics is being done by grown-ups again’ rhetoric because their mortgages are no longer threatened! Can consent for being governed by an unelected billionaire really be manufactured so easily!? See you in a month to find out.

Take care out there, comrades.

65 Comms Team



The 65LABS technicians seem like they have plenty of projects to keep them busy right now, but at some point in the future would the AAA Software Dev wing of 65 ever consider making a standalone/local software package for Wreckage Systems v2 available similar to Wreckage Systems v1?