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Another month down. Oblivion beckons.

You're all playing the new MMO game Treasures Of Neoliberalism™, right!? It's taking the world by storm. If so, what was inside your August loot box? Did you get heatwaves or floods? Maybe both? Perhaps you were haunted by the spectre of a pandemic everyone keeps telling us is over? Cancelled hospital appointment? Maybe a simple case of infrastructure collapse? 

All this loot is really starting to pile up round these parts. Anyone up for some swapsies? Got loads of duplicates here. We've got enough 'unreliable trains almost all the time, often being cancelled at very short notice' to last us months, so if anybody wants to trade some for 'lack-of-fresh-vegetables-in-supermarkets' then do let us know.

[RIGHTEOUS EDITOR'S NOTE: Despite the train woes, we of course unequivocally support those of the cancelled-because-of-strike variety. Un-ending solidarity to the rail worker strikers. And all other picket lines. And a special shout out to that guy who created a hydrofoil solo picket line in Felixstowe the other day. Every strike should have at least one hydrofoil.]

Anyway, the main thing to remember here is: YOUR TREASURES OF NEOLIBERALISM™ LOOTBOXES ARE MANDATORY AND NON-REFUNDABLE. You pay your money (non-optional) and take your chances (they are slim-to-none). Don’t like it? Don’t worry, in a few months you’ll be yearning for the halcyon days of August 2022.

Enough of that. Let’s retreat to the safety of the 65LABS imaginary. That’s what you’re all here for. A secret garden of noisy hope, tucked away in this little corner of internet. And let’s see what’s been happening…


HA. Yes, it’s been a relatively quiet month. The guys in 65 have been relaxing on their super yachts/tending to their stocks/burning plastic/shilling for crypto/fine dining with venture capitalists etc. Classic rockstar stuff.

What can we say? The semi-hiatus continues. And therefore so, of course, does your subscription-hiatus. September's billing will be paused. So please stick around. 65 is essentially offline. We've been around long enough to know when to force things to happen, and when to not. And currently we're in the latter period. Don't worry: the time will come where we will once again ask you for your finite attention and increasingly-indisposable income.


- Another Haus Horo show is looming like a gothic shadow over Sheffield, heralding the coming autumn anxiety. Haus Horo, you’ll recall, are Rob from 65’s new band. They sound massive, and they are opening up for Bossk, who also sound massive. So if you like your noise massive (and how are you even reading this if you don’t?) then you should definitely check this out. The show is September 9th at Corporation, Sheffield. TICKETS. There should be news about the debut Haus Horo release soon too.

- Paul from 65's previously mentioned new Polinski record is going to be out a little later than was originally hinted at. Think early 2023. (If there is a 2023). Hopefully there’ll be some more specific news about this by the next update. The little team behind the release is shaping up nicely. He’s also playing No Bounds Festival in Sheffield in October. There’ll no doubt be another bump about that next month too.

To-do list for September:

- Think about learning basic first aid. For when there's no more hospitals.

- Figure out if it's possible to become a survivalist without becoming an insufferable libertarian and/or hippy.

- Reluctantly decide that really, the whole idea of survivalism is probably just another kind of self-alienation tactic unless it is done with some kind of collective, inclusive organisation, and even then, although sustainable off-the-grid collective living might be a good example of what’s possible this kind of folk politics likely isn’t scalable and so as appealing as the kind of anarcho-syndicalism that is usually associated with this kind of living in some ways is surely at this point the idea of ‘the state’ is the only thing powerful enough to steer us away en masse from climate oblivion and then remember how the one time in our lives we tentatively dared to believe in such a thing and tried to take a tiny step in that direction the 2019 election happened instead and then think about how, much like COP15, in hindsight that might have legitimately been a once-in-a-generation missed opportunity the likes of which we might not have time to see again before we are all underwater and also then remember that Liz Truss is about to become the prime minister and oh fuck –

- Marvel every time you turn on a tap and drinkable water comes out.

- Disrespect all newspaper columnists.

- Do not become a billionaire. They are the worst.

- Reread that wikipedia article about communism.

- Distrust all A.I.

- Join a union.

- Make some sick beats and noise.

- Fuck the tories.

That's all for now, friends. Stay safe and good luck. There is a lot of danger out there, ok?

65 Comms Team




These updates always make my day 😊 oh.. yes.. and fuck the tories