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What a month what a world what a mess what a sinking feeling to carry around all day every day, huh.


Hi! It’s the monthly check-in from the skeleton crew at 65LABS. How’s it going out there?

First things first: there has been a small surge in supporters since the last time we updated you all. Welcome, friends and thanks for joining us. Hopefully this was made clear in the current introductory email, but just to reiterate: Wreckage Systems is currently on hiatus. The launch of the V2 Stream in the spring was the culmination of a huge amount of work and felt like a good place to press pause and regroup.

This means the subscription is currently on pause, and so you're not getting charged for July. So stick around! It'll be more lively when we get going again. Check out the hefty Patreon post archive that is full of hidden treasure and message us if you would like Bandcamp codes for the Season One releases. (This offer will not be available once we begin Season Two.) If you'd like a more active arena to discuss all things 65, then why not check out the 65 Discord Server.

”And when will Season Two begin!”, you all desperately cry? A great question! Currently, nobody knows, least of all us, the 65LABS skeleton crew. We’re just here to water the plants and feed the drum machines.

Clearly, outside of the labs, there's plenty afoot with our intrepid noise heroes. Here's some news we have managed to track down:

  • Rob’s band Haus Horo have announced another live show in September. This time they’re supporting the mighty Bossk at Corporation, Sheffield. 9th September. TICKETS!
  • Paul’s announced a brand new Polinski live show. His first since him and Si were out making noise in Japan just before the pandemic hit. He’s going to be smashing out beats and noise at No Bounds Festival, also in Sheffield, mid-October. More info and tickets can be found HERE.
  • Last month, Paul also wrote an extensive article about Wreckage Systems for Audiokinetic, who make a piece of software called Wwise. Wwise is used heavily behind the scenes in Wreckage Systems, so as you’d expect, this particular piece gets pretty technical. If you’re up for it, you can give it a read HERE.

That’s it for now. Solidarity to everyone on picket lines, now and always, as we venture together into the Hot Strike Summer.

Take care out there, friends!

65 Comms Team



Simon Golland

Possible suggestion for restarting the Patreon money-engine during the WS hiatus: do a straw poll to see if people would pay the sub if Si / any of the band could do a livestream during the month? The livestreams from AYOW are causing some of the Discord denizens powerful nostalgia pangs. I am sure a lot of Patrons would be more than happy with a 60 minute drone show or general Ableton noodle in a month in exchange for their subscription moneys.

Nick Murphy

curiously no mention of the mysterious Wreckage Heist that occurred in June... hmmmm.... media blackout?