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HI WRECKAGE FRIENDS. It is us, the dutiful comms team at 65LABS. They switched off the WiFi across the whole complex after the launch of Wreckage Systems V2, but we’ve just climbed up one of the big noise silos out in the synth meadows of the eastern quadrant and found a phone signal. So we are hastily tapping out this update for you.

As you will be aware, after launching Wreckage Systems V2, 65LABS went into maintenance mode and the core team took a short break. This break has become more of an extended sabbatical, with various non-Wreckage 65 projects now afoot. These include:

  • Rob’s new band Haus Horo played their debut show the other week. Be sure to keep an eye on them if ’slow motion cascades of doom’ is your thing. They have noisy plans. (Insta / Twitter).
  • Paul has got a new solo record very close to being finished, and seems to have revived his long-dormant Polinski alias to release it under. (Insta / Twitter).
  • Paul also took part in the Ten Years of Algorave 24hr live stream last month. It featured a hundred+ musicians, each doing a ten minute slot. Happily, a suggestion from Paul on the 65 Discord Server led to a bunch of people on the #noise-making channel hastily learn how to do algorithmic music and take part too. The whole stream is archived HERE, Paul’s 10 minutes are HERE, and the ever-friendly, always-welcoming 65 Discord Server can be joined HERE. It is definitely worth a look if you’re missing the regularity of these updates.
  • Finally, that antiquated noise machine known as ‘65daysofstatic’ is slowly stumbling its way back into ‘writing some songs’ mode. Don’t get excited: even if we finish one of those proper old-fashioned ‘albums’ tomorrow it probably wouldn’t come out this year given the glacial pace of music industry down at our level. And we haven’t even started a record yet. And won’t properly do that for ages. And also we accidentally on purpose severed most of our ties with the music industry. So set those expectations to ‘yeah whatevs, remind me in a year’.

None of this puts the long term prospects of this 65LABS project in any kind of jeopardy, because we really do enjoy having this back channel to share various experiments with you all. But it does mean that the current Wreckage Systems Season Break™  is going to be somewhat longer than we first anticipated. This means we are going to PAUSE the Patreon subscription for the moment. This means that you WILL NOT BE CHARGED until we restart it. So please DO stick around! It will cost you nothing.

While this means that significant new content is unlikely to emerge during this extended break, we will endeavour to keep you up to date with general 65 happenings in the meantime.

More in due course. Take care out there, comrades!

65 Comms Team



Alexander Matzkeit

Any chance of a Polinski release party in Berlin? It would be nice to meet up.


I'm only speaking for myself here, but one of the reasons I became a 65kid was to support you guys regardless of whether or not I was receiving anything in return. That said, I would have no problem with (and actually expected) to keep shelling out my Capitalist Tokens uninterrupted until the heat death infinity of the universe.