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I got to admit that these results were pretty surprising to me. Especially on DeviantArt, where the most popular TG artists are the ones doing transformations based on magic.

Does it mean that this style is a little saturated? Or maybe I have a different niche? I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.

By the way, I have a finished work ready to be posted, I'm just waiting for the client's approval. While that doesn't happen, I'll be sketching some new works.




what are your most popular works? magic transformations or realistic transformations? is there a popularity difference between your works on Deviant Art and Patreon? I think you have a talent for realistic situations, that might be the reason why your fans prefer realism.


Thank you so much for your comment! Using the tools I have on DeviantArt, it seems that when I post a work involving magic, it gets more views and interaction at first. But in the long term, the ones involving realistic situations tend to be liked more. On Patreon, it's a bit harder to have control over that since I don't get as much interaction as on DA. But judging by the poll results, it's easier to guess what the public here in its majority is looking for. Nonetheless, I'd say I'm pretty happy with this, considering that I'm not a big fan of magic transformation pieces.


For me, the realistic ones just seem a little more personalized. Nothing wrong with magic, but dressing up pretty is a very real thing for me. :)


Greyhound bus lines in the States used to have the slogan, “Getting there is half the fun.” Magic is fun, it circumvents any objections on the part of the “victim”, and gets you into living as the new gender quickly. But a realistic transformation shows the transformed person’s agency as either really, perhaps subconsciously, wanting the change or being seduced/persuaded into accepting it. That is both more realistic and more satisfying to experience vicariously through the transforming character.


Personally I am drawn to more realistic over magical as they are well possible and let people imagine themselves in the same situation, magical stuff is still fun but not being based in reality makes it less of a draw in comparison.


Maybe you're good at realistic situations because you enjoy them so much, and so does your audience. Sounds like a win-win situation to me :D


yep, non-magic is more relatable