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So, I received this message on my exit surveys some days ago, and I'd like to start a small conversation over it, regarding my art and where I plan to take it.

First, if I could personally answer the person who wrote this, I'd say my art has changed very little throughout the years. Yes, I did and still do some sexual pieces here and there, but they were never the focus of my work. Most people praise me for the wholesome aspect of my art, and I'm happy with that and have no plans ever to change it. I also have limits to what I can and want to draw, and I have no plans ever to break them.

Second thing, for anyone who agrees with this person and is only here to jack off and find my work to not be "sexual enough" anymore, I ask you to genuinely consider the stuff you've been consuming. If softcore stuff is not enough to turn you on anymore, that means you're getting into too extreme stuff that is not healthy. There are tons of research showing the negative effects of extreme pornography out there: https://www.everydayhealth.com/news/erection-problems-this-habit-may-why/

I was asked a hundred times how to find a girlfriend who would support your kinks. Well, being addicted to hardcore pornography is not how you're going to find one. Imagine not even being able to have sex with someone because the substances in your brain are so altered, that normal, healthy sex does not satisfy you any longer.

Of course, I'm no hypocrite. I make money out of porn after all, but do I genuinely care about people's mental health. If I were just for the profit of it, I would keep pushing forward into the ultra-pornographic stuff because, after all, that's what sells more.

As for the future of my work, I have no plans to make any changes. I'll keep making my softcore wholesome stuff with some rare overly sexual pieces here and there. It's the best for my mental health as well.

Feel free to leave your opinions below on what you think of it all.

I wish you all a blessed week!




Genuinely love your content, and it's good to have perspective in one's life. Keep up the good work hun!


Yeah that person has some hang up he need to get through, your doing great


Thank you for the nice text and your genuine care. Also your art is perfect as is dw


You're probably one of the most consistent artists I follow. Lol if anything you've gotten deeper into this stuff with the new audios. Just keep doing what you're doing :) I just love seeing the art pop up from time to time!


Well said. 👍🤗

Vanessa Rose

I actually scroll past your more explicit pieces. I don't mind it, but I didn't sign up to here for that. Your art style is instantly recognizable to me, and it feels wholesome and cute, so seeing a sissy getting groped by a jock while both are naked is an odd turnoff.

stefan Dittrich(Xardas102)

I dont agree with the Person, who wrote this Comment. "jerking of" is not the Reason for me beeing here. Not that i dont do it, but i have other Media for that Purpose. I love your Art and i would not change a thing. Keep up the good work.😘

Shaun Harland

I love that the majority of your content comes from a place of loving acceptance of the sissy lifestyle. It does so much to destigmatize being a sissy and makes me feel better about the idea of coming out as trans too. Keep doing what you're doing Pink because your content may be helping people. 🩷


Stay the way you are, including with your art. It's great. I can't get enough of it because I like it the way it is! Don't let messages like this stress you out or unsettle you. 😊😉

Samantha Bitner

Honestly, your wholesomeness and sweetness in your art is what drew me to you in the first place. Please keep it up, and thank you so much.


you are the best, I love your content it makes me feel freer🩷🩷


i think of your art as "romantically sexual"? it's not about the meshing of body parts, but more about melding love, control and acquiescence. with a few padlocks ;)

Janie Ryan

Keep doing what you do! Your art is inspiration!


You honestly should ignore people like this. Firstly it's not their place to judge your artistic vision and secondly I'm sure the vast majority of people here are supporting you for your wonderfully cute and wholesome artstyle, and the genuine love you show for the sissy lifestyle and the topic of feminization and sissyfication. I really love your art and how it encourages and motivates me to try and be a better sissy everyday. Thank you for that and I'm looking forward to see more of your works in the future ❤️

Lacy Kitten

I think the art is perfectly fine and I enjoy it.

Connie Smith

Keep on being you....


I love your art the way it is! Just enough spice to keep it mild and not a 4-alarm fire.

Jessi Gabaldone

I feel like that was a fairly rude/blunt exit comment. Like idc if you wana express your opinions but come on dont forget you're speaking to a human who puts alot into this.

Ertha Olmec

As a woman of trans experience I kinda choose to ignore the "sissification" vibes. I find the transition sequences relatable with enough sexual energy and sometimes joyfully romantic that I get a little verklempt. I'm an exception, I know. I also really enjoy your artistic creativity.

benjamin plumer

Honestly, I find your work just titillating enough. I think more fanart and comics would be nice. I'm especially fond of the one with the two dudes playing video games and one is lamenting his recent break-up, so the other dresses up to be his new girlfriend


Your art is fine as is. The wholesome and romantic aspects help you to stand out from others and is one of the main reasons Ilike your work so much. A lot of your art also makes me want to be a better sissy. Keep being you, and we'll support you as best we can.

Andrew Arnold

Sorry babe, I'd prefer more of the sequence or story line art. Your drawings are amazing but just not for me either.


Too bad they didn't like your stuff. Personally, I've liked the Wholesome stuff, I like Long skirts rather than short ones, and cute frilly dresses instead of sexy bikinis and lingerie. Sure I've asked for some sexy images, but really, they are along the lines of Kisses and Skirt-blows, nothing that actually shows private parts. Keep doing what you love

ms teresa

Strongly disagree. To say that we're all here to jack off is just a wild and factually incorrect assumption. I do enjoy your more explicit content, particularly if cis guys are featured, but I like the wholesome/pretty stuff too. What *you* like and *you* want to draw should always take priority, you have no obligation to cater to any one person's taste.