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I hope you are having a great time! So, how are things with MMM?

Session Creator

Bad news and good news. Bad news first, I had to throw out a lot of code. So far I have used a Unity plugin called NoesisGUI to do more traditional UIs with Unity. I paid for this plugin a few years ago, back then it was the only solution to do good and complex UIs in Unity which allow for databinding. Databinding is when you have a mechanism that binds a variable in your code to an UI element. But NoesisGUI is rather heavy and now they have recently updated to version 2.0. Problem is that there are still some loose ends and updating my code for the new version turned out to cost a lot more hours than I anticipated. After about a workday of what felt like wasted time I decided to look for different plugins. Unity got a new GUI for itself and I found a plugin that sports a lot of the good features of NoesisGUI. So I took a deep breath and jumped over to that. Took a bit a learning the new system, but I made it. The good news are, after all the stupid GUI programming and porting and redoing I finally finished the most rudimentary and essential features. Loading and saving of sessions now works smoothly. Now I only have to fill it with features, like spirals, audiotracks and subliminals. I intend to connection between Player and Creator in the next few days, transmitting a session so it gets added to the library of session in the hub scene of the player.

Plans on releasing, stores, etc.

As a possible version 1.0 of MMM is nearing I needed to sort this out. My main goal of this project is to make it available for anyone. I want people to use it for whatever they like. Professionals might use it with clients, hypno-kinksters for twisted adult fun and "normal" people for your usual relaxing and refreshing self-hypnosis experiences you know from the interwebs.

Change of names

The Mind Melting Machine is a nice name, but I don't think it works too good for those people who are not into brainwashing. So I will have to find a better way. Virtual Hypnotist is taken, mind machine stands for something different. VR Hypnotist feels too lame.

Can you think of a great name?

Use it with your own sessions

I have posted the info before I think, but this is how you will be able to play your own sessions. There are two programs, the Creator and the Player. Each of the programs can run on its own, but if you run the Creator on your Computer and Player on a device on the same network then the Player will connect to the Creator. This way any session can be downloaded from the Creator to the Player, adding the session to the session library on your device. No third-party software is required nor os there a curated shop. If you're a professional hypnodomme you could sell your sessions just like you do with you other audio or video files. If you you just love to create hypnosis sessions you can easily share them with your community. If you downloaded a session file, just run both programs and you can transfer the session to your Player for you to enjoy as often as you want.

Bundled sessions

I am not sure what session I wil bundle with the release version. I hope to create a few samples for relaxation, increased concentration, improved learning capabilities, etc. So, kind of the most usual stuff when they get into self hypnosis. For these files I plan on hiring either experienced hypnotists or at least professional voice actors. Apart from that I plan on doing some more kinky stuff as well which I will post online for anyone to download.


Both programs will be published by a small company I work with. We will release the Creator for desktop computers (and Browser, if possible) and the Player will be released for as many platforms and as many shops as possible.We are not sure about the price yet and if VR and 2D versions could or should be priced differently. While we want to make it available to as many people as possible we also want to earn a tiny bit of money to make sure we can continue to develop this and improve the feature set. Of course, Patrons will get their hand on promo codes to get the Player for free! Platforms that allow it will get DLCs or In-App-Purchases for more of my sessions. 

Going with this plan nobody has to compromise and we can enter all the stores because the app won't have a adult theme. On the other hand anyone can create or download sessions and play them on their device, no matter what kind of stuff is in there.

Congrats, you reached the end of the post! 

So, what do you think, are you happy with that approach? Do you have a great name for this project? Give me your feedback! 



How do I get access now to a version that'll let me just add my own text? I write hypnosis stuff for my own use, I've had plenty of practice. I do have one of your beta releases but couldn't find a way to swap the text. Thank you.


Am too impatient to wait for an unknown amount of time for a release :P


Hi, first, please let me link you to this post: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/huge-milestone-13520933">https://www.patreon.com/posts/huge-milestone-13520933</a> If you say you want to add your own text, do you mean text only or are you looking to use a text-to-speech system? Right now the Alpha version supports an audio file only. More features and possibilities are coming. :)


Currently I'm planning the next public version for September, probably around the tenth. I also hope to have reached all relevant stores by the end of October.