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Hello Patrons,

Alpha Patrons did not report any problems, so now you can check  TechTest 2 of MMM out.

Main feature is the menu that you can activate with any input (mouse click, controller buttons, screen touch, cardboard magnet, etc.). In VR you "press" buttons by gazing, in 2D you use the touch screen or mouse to click button as normal.

The menu options:
- Resume: closes the menu so you can stop doing that pesky thinking.
- Lock Spiral: The hypnotic effects get repositioned and locked onto your head. They will always stay in front of you so you no longer can escape it. Use this if you experience drifiting ith your cardboard. Has no effect in 2D.
- Realign Spiral: The hypnotic effects get repositioned in front of you. They aren't locked to your head. Want to lay back, look upwards and stare into the spiral? Use this. Has no effect in 2D.
- Next spiral: I added two more spiral-based hypnotic effects. You can cycle through the spirals with this option.

I also added text subliminals. I could add pictures as well but as this test has no real theme I had a hard time finding anything that would fit.

As planned I built versions for Android (Cardboard and 2D) and Windows PC (OculusRift and 2D). As always, contact me if you want a version for any other platform. I'll make it happen.

- Cardboard VR: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-nV70sTjMDFMS1qNWJOZjRuUm8
- 2D version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-nV70sTjMDFYTZTejA0cWlnWmc

- OculusRift: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-nV70sTjMDFMnpXdVJqX0RydVk
- 2D version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-nV70sTjMDFRUF3OE1ucGNXNE0As we are so early in the project I'd like to give public access to tech test 2 in 48 hours.As always, please let me have your thoughts and wishes.



Loving all the additions. A few notes: - I feel the menu pops up a little low. I often have to incline my head further than is comfortable to hit Realign. - Was getting some drift on the Cardboard version (using Gear VR with a Cardboard enabler app). Locking fixed this, but I prefer having it centered. Just seems to pull me in more that way. - Personal opinion: The flashing text could use some tweaking. Maybe make it stay on for just a moment or two longer, lessen the overall frequency, and possibly a bit bolder font. I prefer them to draw my eye just a bit before vanishing, and last just long enough that I'm trying to read them. The biggest thing I'm looking forward to on this is real text sessions. None of the other versions have had quite the effect on me as the one text test so far. I also realized that the sound is a huge factor, at least for me. Without headphones it's just pretty graphics, but with headphones my eyelids start to flutter pretty quickly. Thank you for your effort! Looking forward to future updates!


Thank you for your comment and feedback. Android using Cardboard has drifting due to mediocre accelerometer and gyroscope hardware used. So depending on the device drifting can be near to nothing to incredibly bad. I'll send you a message today as I also give you a GearVR version. I haven't had time to check out SideloadVR yet, will do that today. The GearVR has improved sensors, you will no longer experience any drifting at all. Your other feedback will be taken into account for the next version. :)