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Hello my dear patrons & followers!

So, it's January and a brand new year. So, of course, I made a few resolutions for 2021. Sure, I could look back at 2020, but let's not. I'm really not to happy about it.

What I have in mind for 2021 is:

Shorter release cycles

I'd love to do more focused work, although it might be in smaller bursts. Then have patrons a go at it and then release to stores. If things work out as planned there will be one release per month.


It has been requested so very very often, it is high time I do this.

Multi-phase sessions

Both the support for such sessions and also the SessionMaker side of this will take a long while. So, there will be some behind-the-scenes work on this for most of 2021. With a bit of luck it will be ready before the year is over. No promises on this though.

Other stuff

Apart from the usual bugfixes and maintenance to keep up with OS versions and new hardware and whatnot I have also some other stuff on mind, like the remote-control-app and support for EEG devices and more. Depending on how things go and which mood I'm in I will probably do other stuff as well. Or shift focus. Who really knows. My crystal ball is a bit blurry and we'll see what has happened when 2021 is over. :)

To everyone, have a great 2021, may it bring joy and fun and wonderful experiences to you all!



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