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Recent two weeks were very busy with all the hotfix versions and more. And also the world approaches the holiday season, which also takes a little toll on all of us. 

What I recently did:

created and uploaded final update for Oculus Go / GearVR store

The final update for that store was done, containing an additional info screen about the situation and how to go from there.

Fixed Android versions 

I updated the Android version (both the demo and the play store) because with newer devices the local import stopped working. 

Local import able to use the Downloads folder on Android-powered devices

I added a experimental feature included to import through the Downloads folder of your device. This is included in both latest versions mentioned above. 

What I hope to accomplish next (this week):

These two haven't been touched due to stuff I did instead. See above. 🙂

New Audio Library - Finalizing

I will remove all occurences of my old audio file playback and replace it with the new one.

New Audio Spatializer

I got myself a new spatializer and I wand to add it to MMM. One of the future features I'd like to add is to allow for audio "subliminals" and I think it would be nice if whispers could be placed randomly around your head, whispers could be clse to your ears, like whispers in ASMR videos.

New version this year

When I finished the work on the above two topics I'd like to release a final version before the end of the year. Cross your fingers that things go smoothly, please!

That's the status for today. Please get in touch with any questions or problems!


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