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What I recently did:


The work for the demo version is done. Right now I have problems building them on iOS and Android (including oculus mobile) but I'm getting there. Alpho supporters already are able to test the binaries for Winodw, Linux and Mac. I plan to give Beta supporters access on the weekend and the rest of you should be able to test the demo on Wednesday next week. If everything goes to plan the demo will reach the stores by the end of next week.

Store keys to patrons with $20 lifetime pledge

Store codes have been sent to anyone who went over the $20 of lifetime pledge.

What I hope to accomplish next:


As I said, not all platforms are ready yet.

Apply for Oculus Quest store

I suck at writing project pitches. I'm on it though. If I haven't got something useful I'll pay a professional writer for it.

itch.io store entry

It's the next step, 1.22 and demo will probably soon available there.


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