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December is almost over, the year is almost over, the decade is almost over. Good news: I reworked my personal todo management (yet again). I *should* be better able to give clear updates. 

What I recently did:

WIP version 1.1.15

I finally put out this version and apart from a few bug reports I'm quite optimistic that the next store version is very close.

Outsourcing session writing (again)

Trying to create those sessions on time is a form of torturing myself. Oh well, I found someone to write the script for me, I'll review it in the next few days and we'll see where it takes us. 

Preparations for simple Mind Massage sessions

I own one of the classic Light and Sound Machine goggles and I always wanted to have dozens of mind massages like they do. So, in order to easily recreate what they have I extended my session player stuff. Now I can create a (bundled) mind massage in under 5 minutes. 

What I hope to accomplish next (this week):


I'd like to fix some of the reported bugs for 1.1.15

Re-enable Adjustment of spiral and Locked to Head on Daydream

You might remember that I disabled these things since the Google review team said those were bad. Well, they still don't put MMM on their Daydream shop. So, I decided to re-enable that stuff, but I never did. Google will probably kill Daydream anyway soon, they never put the needed energy into the UI and shop and frontend to make it as successful as it could have been. I won't drop support for Daydream and Cardboard but I finally no longer care about Google approving MMM for their shop frontend.

Dig out my Oculus Rift DK2

I want to create a few photos or maybe even short videos (for "marketing" reasons) and considered maiming an old Cardboard headset, but I now remembered that the old devkit has removable lenses. I tried filming through headset lenses before and it sucks, so hopefully this allows me to make some nice pictures of MMM running in the headset.

Demo version

Since 1.1.15 isn't far from a new store version, I need the demo version ASAP. I want that ready and done and push it out of the door before the end of January.



As a pure Android user, I'm glad to hear Google is dropping Daydream (it was always more trouble for me than it was worth), but I hope you (and Google) still continue to support Cardboard going forward!