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The TL:DR is at the bottom of this post, so scroll ahead if you're in a hurry. 🙂

First, let me tell you how grateful I am for all your support over the last few years. You made this possible and you are always there whenever I wonder if anyone really wants what I'm doing. Your support guarantees that I never stop investing in this. YOU ARE AWESOME!

Secondly, I'll pause payment for this month. Client work and personal life took a lot of time and energy out of me this month and I wasn't able to give you WiP versions and I won't be able to finish the November session before December 1st. But like I said in the last status update, I made sure I am free from client work throughout December and the November sesssion as well as the next WiP version is just around the corner. And there will be polls for the December session as well. So, I won't pause my work on the project, you just won't get billed by Patreon for this project. You could even see it as a Black Friday treat if you want.

So, to summarize:

  • Thank you for your support!
  • Considering all things I will "pause" the project so that you won't get billed for it on December 1st.
  • Expect the delayed things during next week.

Have a great weekend, everyone! And try to not overspend on all those Black Friday deals.


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