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Time for the weekly status update.

Due to organizing the HypnoCon not much was done for MMM. Don't fret, Alpha and Beta supporters will get a new version before the end of the month.

What I recently did:

German Recreational Hypnosis Con

I organized a hypnocon and a few people tried out MMM in the evening. I got some feedback and also found a few bugs. 

 Fixes & updates 

  • fixed: Brainwave Synch. Options can not be modified (SessionMaker)
  • fixed: Water reflections look bad in VR on most mobile devices. Workaround now disables reflections. Should improve performance as well (MMM)

What I hope to accomplish next:

Wireless transfer

I'm focusing on this. Everything else can wait. 

More Bugfixing

There are still a few known bugs I want to squash before releasing the next WIP version.

Release 1.1.13 to Alphas and Betas

It will probalby contain the re-implemented Wireless Transfer as well as the bugfixes.


That's the status for today.


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