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It's been way too long again. Today things are in a bit of a different format.

Most of you know that I've been working on bringing MMM to official stores for quite some time now. Originally I planned to release back in April 2018. Things have been too buggy and too incomplete back then. A few examples were missing acceptable controller support or the different binaries needed for 2D and VR on mobile platforms. I tried my best since then taking measures to actually be able to release to the stores. I eventually made a list of must-have features and changed how I track and handle bugs. I tried my best to work as fast as possible under the given circumstances and to give my supporters a new version as often as I could. 

I often felt like missing my own targets. But you guys kept supporting me and seeing that (growing) number of patrons and the (also growing) amount of money you give me feels unreal. It is astonishing and I feel so very happy about it. I doubt I could have made it so far without you. Your support kept me motivated, no matter how many walls I hit.

So, before you get the feeling that this post might end in a "Sorry, I'm quitting this", let me tell you, it does not. Instead, I just feel like looking back while I'm busy with the last few struggles to actually get into the stores. I uploaded 1.0.0 for iOS to Apple and the binaries for Google Play and the Oculus mobile store are in the making. While things are not nearly as polished as I hoped they would be, I'll be pulling this through now. I won't stop working on MMM and there will no doubt be a v1.0.1 and 1.0.2 and so on. When the mobile versions are ready to release I'll finalize the version for Steam, Oculus Rift and also re-check what I need to do to release on VivePort and even the Mac Appstore. Depending how that goes I might decide to release the mobile versions first or to do a completely synchronized release. And yes, all supporters whose total support is at least the store price will receive the product for free (probably through promo codes / Steam keys).

I also need to plan even less techy stuff. I need to do at least a bit of marketing. I need to create a simple website on the company website that has the SessionMaker manual and general info about it. And I need to update the current website. After all, the release will have the name "Mind Massaging Machine" and marketed as a tool for recreational hypnosis. The fetishy stuff won't be obvious to vanilla people. 

After releasing 1.0.0 I will finally have to kepp true to my promises. Erotic hypnosis is what started this project and I will create adult material for MMM. And of course, I'll build a roadmap for future features. There are so many great ideas for MMM I want to implement. There will be frequent updates. And Alpha and Beta patrons will still be getting their hand on those early on.

Well, I need to get back to work now. Please feel free to ask any questions or comments you might have. 

Stay tuned! :-)



You know of all the dev projects I have supported you probably are the best at keeping people informed. Keep up the great work man