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I'm back!

I had some time off. Not only from client work but I needed it from my private projects as well. I did re-organizing and re-structuring. I took care of stuff that idled on my todo list for weeks or months. And finally I also relaxed, procrastinated and played video games. I also went to the Unite, Unity's conference in Berlin, learned new things and got motivated for many things.

What I recently did:

Unity Conference Unite Berlin 2018

It was great and I had some good times. I even got so motivated that I made a tiny VR game prototype over the last weekend. I think I might pursue that project a bit further later this year.

Re-organizing my work

I sat down and analyzed what I did so far, what things I hat about my workflow and more. What will change:

  • I will work the hours for my client focused on three days instead of      stretched over 5 days in smaller packages. This way I can focus the      remaining two days on my own things and no longer have to do several      context switches between my own stuff and client work.
  • I will define what tasks and feature I want in the next version and release that when those things are done. So far I I released a new version when I felt like it. :-D
  • I use a different tool for handling my tasks now and I should be able to      handle bug management and feature implementation somewhat better.

What I hope to accomplish next:


There have been more and more bugs (and some improvements) I put off for later. Time to fix them. If you noticed problems with image loading, finalized sessions or broken visuals in the main menus, then you know what I'm talking about.

Change of scene loading

Loading scenes (like splashscreen, hub, sessionplayer, etc.) is currently less then optimal and I need to do too much management to ensure everything is set up correctly for rendering, input, etc. so it is time to improve that. A side effect should be smoother and maybe even faster loading times.

(Improved input management)

With all those different input methods (touch, oculus remote, daydream remote, mouse, keayboard, gamepad, etc.) I need to implement a unified system that is ble to handle them much better. Right now it is terrible to maintain when anything needs to change.

And that's it for today. As always, I'm looking forward to your comments.


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