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This one is probably going to be short… 

What I recently did (not much due to the very late update last week):

GoogleVR versions

I've been busy integrating the full GoogleVR SDK. It took me quite some time to find a suitable way to support the Daydream controller without creating hard dependencies and losing flexibility in my scenes. As of this morning the Daydream controller works everywhere without problems and no more performance hit I experienced the last few days.

(not) Fixing my Rift

It's still dead and support couldn't help me pinpoint the problem. I still have a DK2 version and I hope that will be enough to support and test the Rift specific things. Worst case would be me having to buy a new one. We'll see when I work on the Rift version.

What I hope to accomplish this week:

Finalizing GoogleVR versions

Now that I got everything working with the GoogleVR SDK I can now concentrate on making it feel good and intuitive. For example I'll have to improve the reticle I use as well as add a nice laser pointer effect.

Preparing store material and website (Didn't have time for this, so it is unchanged from last week)

Tthe store entries will need screenshots, texts and more. And it is time to prepare an official website for the Mind Massaging Machine. This will be the website for the store version, no mention of kink or erotic hypnosis. While on it I hope to update the seriously outdated infos on mindmeltingmachne.wordpress.com as well as things here on Patreon.

And that's it for today. Told you it would be short. As always, I'm looking forward to your comments.


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