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Hey everyone! Alpha supporters helped a lot with pinpointing a few bugs in v0.10 and now that they are fixed, it is nice timing to bring you all a new version.

 What's new in v0.10.1:

  • Handling of long / big audio files improved, should no longer be able to crash MMM or SessionMaker
  • Fixed strobe effect in VR in custom sessions
  • minor tweaks and fixes

What's new in v0.10:

  • Splash screen
  • Loading screens
  • Improved 3D sound (check the waves in the hub scene or audio in "Better Sleep")
  • Power Nap v3, please give it a try and report back
  • Good Morning aka Ready For The Day, your personal serving of so called virtual caffeine. Start the day like morning people do.
  • Better Sleep, a hyponsis session that will be bundled with the store version.
  • Options to override custom session behavior
  • Decide if the file should loop or not
  • Disable in-session menu, removing the possibility to quit a session bevore it's finished
  • Setting for "Lock Spiral to Head" (interesting for Android + Cardboard users and those who disable the menu in a session)
  • SessionMaker: Settings for subliminals in custom sessions
  • smaller improvements / bugfixes …


MMM (v0.10.1)

Windows 2D 

Windows VR

iOS Cardboard 

iOS 2D 

Android Cardboard 

Android GearVR

Android Daydream 

Android 2D 

Mac 2D 

Mac VR 

Linux 2D 

SessionMaker (v0.10.1)




Manual (Yes, it's updated)



What would be really great is if we could add sessions by folder, instead of one at a time. Its kind of tedious!