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This one is a bit late. Really busy week and also been to the dentist last week.

What I recently did:

Subliminals Settings

Those subliminals settings I added to the SessionMaker? There are now getting read correctly in MMM when playing a session that uses them.

New platform management

I talked about the details enough before. So, I went and finalized it for each and every binary I build. I did a test run and it really is a big time saver. Several hours of git-branch management gone with all the errors it can bring. I'm so happy I finally took the time to take care of this!


I finally started work on those hypno sessions. Expect to see a preview version of at least one of those in the next alpha. It will probably be the "Better Sleep" one. (The image is the current state of the visuals for that session.)

Loading screens

You remember how everything stopped when you selected to play a session? Recently I added a fade to black, but that still is rather bad. I now made a proper loading screen which gets shown when entering or leaving a session. It has a small animated spiral as well to show that the program is still running. I think there's still a bug or two in there, but overall it works pretty nice already.

What I hope to accomplish this week:

Updating Trello

I haven't updated the trello board in a while. I plan to change that on the weekend.


Still got to put more work into "Better Sleep", i'm not yet happy with it enough to show it to anyone.

More Content

I also need to start on the second MindMassage, "Ready for the Day". The idea is that you can use this early in the morning to help your brain become fully awake. It's for people like me as I'm not a morning person but my cat wakes me at 6am. It takes me literally hours (and more than one coffee) to reach a state that can be called "fully awake". 

And that's it for today. I'm looking forward to your comments.



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