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Some notes from Stan Prokopenko's figure drawing course on his website http://www.proko.com.

This is my second time through this specific instruction. It's very useful to review and go back over later with the benefit of prior knowledge, like playing through an old rpg that you loved as a kid.
Very good info and instruction if you're interested in improving your figure drawing skills or getting a really solid base from which to start learning anatomy, form and tangentially light and shadow. 




We always see the final result of something but not the hours of work behind the curtain. I've always been amazed by how you draw legs in particular and often forget how much it takes to get to your point. I don't know if I'm in awe or extremely jealous of your skills and dedication. Maybe both? Nonetheless, great work and awesome study.


Whoah man! This is incredible! Fucking hell, this shows your work behind the curtains. I should get back into my circles and lines :v


wow -wipe the sweat off your hands and message it-


There's very important rhythms in the body that you can only really start to recognize and emulate through a lot of thoughtful repetition. I get bored of it pretty easily so its difficult to make sure I'm staying mindful and not just going through the motions. Glad you enjoy!