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Howdy all.  

 I hope everyone is doing well or as well as they can muster.

This is just a quick update about where I'm at as far as my workload is concerned and timing for this month's sketches.   All of the catch up work is finished so now I'll be getting to the Jan-Feb list and the last couple King Salmon rewards.
That's about a dozen pieces in total which will likely take me right up to the end of the month.
I haven't contacted everyone I accepted for the Jan-Feb list yet but I will be doing the last of those after I post this so if you haven't heard from me by tomorrow and you put a form in for Jan-Feb then its safe to say I had to give you a pass this time around.
March's sketches will begin on the tail of the current work queue and I can hopefully get completely ahead by April but that will depend entirely on me.

March's theme will be 'runic.'  
Hopefully the cryptic prompt will get the gears turning for ya.  

Also, please review the form as I've updated it slightly to reflect some format changes, my criteria for accepting forms as well as some clarification.   

Also wik, I've upped the character limit to three. This will probably impact how many I can take on in one month but I'd like to see how it goes first.




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