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Howdy, folks!

Thank you so much for your incredible support so far.
We blew past my first two milestones in the first day and are only a few patrons away from the third.
Absolutely incredible. Whether you became a patron or simply supported from afar, I can't thank you guys enough. I will do my best to make this a worthwhile experience for you.

Patrons, this first month will be a bit tighter than I wanted. I lost a couple weeks of work time this month and so I will be catching up on commissions for the first week or so of July.
We'll be kicking off the month with a cadence I would like to maintain for the lifetime of my Patreon. Ultimately, I have aspirations of creating a graphic novel for a story I've been building for many years but that is a higher tier goal and I'll save the details until we approach it.
At the start of each month, Dungeness Crabs and higher will get to vote on a number of themes. For now I'll be picking the themes but if we reach my fourth milestone, new tiers will be added and existing ones upgraded and you guys will be the ones deciding the themes.
Since we broke my second milestone, each monthly piece will feature one of your characters. I'll take volunteers for the first few months (keep an eye out for that), but again, if we reach my fourth milestone, you guys will be able to nominate others.
Throughout the month I will have one or two private livestreams for patrons where you guys will be encouraged to critique and help me work on the Patreon-exclusive piece. Normally I work one on one with my clients in the commission process so this will be like that but on a grander scale. Those of you who've worked with me in the past will know what to expect.
In addition to all that, patrons will get to vote on themes, placements and nominations for a monthly YCH series that will start at the end of July. More info on that down the road.

For everyone else, commissions will be opening in early July once the current batch is finished. Halibut and higher will have 24 hour early access to the form and allocated slots for first pick before the form is opened to the general public. I'll be taking standard commissions, Strong Boys and Summer Days pieces. I'll be livestreaming the last of my current commission batch prior to that so stay tuned for that in the next couple weeks.

If you guys have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below.

Thank you again, everyone~

~time for baers~



Charlie O’Conner

So many major changes happening so fast... I’m really proud of your progress, Baer~!