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Howdy folks, baer here~

Today marked the debut of my Patreon page and within the first hour we've already blown past my first goal! So thanks again! You guys continue to blow me away~

I'll make a roadmap post later this week that will detail what I have planned for July and what patrons can expect in this first month while I'm getting things up and running.
Your pledges will go through at the end of the month but June will bring you the first brief slew of Patreon-exclusives so please look forward to that.

Summer Days

First off, thanks to LicanTrox for being my summer model. He's an incredibly skilled artist and an all-around amazing guy. Go check his Patreon out here and give him some love: https://www.patreon.com/licantrox

This is a new series debuting today.
These pieces will be available through September 1st and are available to both patrons and non-patrons, though higher tier patrons will have early access to these spots.

Here's the details:
-USD 120 per character
-Full body or detailed bust
-Simple, cross-section background
-Summer-themed (be creative)
-Full color speed paints

Follow the link below to fill out a form if you're interested.

Summer Days form

That's all for now, guys and gals. Stay tuned for a road-map and some WIPs of the June commissions and Strong Boys as I begin working on them.

~time for baers~




Lots of luck! Those will look awesome

Wolf Moon

Oh wow a Summer theme, I am very interested in this for my wrestler and I am glad to help you out with your patreon ^^

Chase Retriever

Quick question, so these will be open anytime from now until September 1?


I will probably have to close the form periodically but I will open them at least once a month from now until the 1st of Sept.




Glad I got one of the limited slots! Seriously love your work and can't wait what you do now that you're on patreon ^^


Keep it but Bear <3 well worth it and i hope this is a start for something fun and wonderful for you <3 Rooting for you.


Thanks a ton, big guy! I'm super excited about this and looking forward to being able to work with you on the regular. <3