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Okay, things got a bit hectic lol. I caught a cold again and had pretty low energy this week, but I managed to keep working thankfully. Multi-tasking struggled a bit though haha, so sorry about not posting the updates throughout last week.
Here are 4 images from my test comp!! It should look like this in the final, so I hope you're all excited!! I'm planning on finishing compositing on the weekend, I also just had some sound issues this week, while I was fixing some of the cuts that had a bit of issues. Next post will be posting the full video!

Thanks guys! I'm excited for you all to see!!!



Brandon Collins

There’s no feeling more intense than starting over. If you've deleted your homework the day before it was due, as I have, or if you left your wallet at home and you have to go back, after spending an hour in the commute, if you won some money at the casino and then put all your winnings on red, but it came up black, if you got your best shirt dry-cleaned before a wedding and then immediately dropped food on it, if you won an argument with a friend and then later discovered that they just returned to their original view, starting over is harder than starting up. If you're not ready for that, like if you've already had a bad day then what you're about to go through might be too much. Feel free to go away and come back. I'll be here.


Looks awesome imo >:3

Omar Bautista

No wonder it's taking a while, having to copy Mappas style must have been torture. Some animators have yet to see their families in years(for safety it's a joke)

Nico M.

Love what I see ! <3