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I think I might need to remove the 'anytime commission' perk from the $10 tier, but I wanted to discuss this with y'all before doing so to see if there are any other solutions.

The perk goes mostly unused throughout the year. I do not like doing commissions, though I'll do one for a friend on occasion. As soon as I do however, a lot of people are reminded of the perk and rush to message me, which results in chain reaction commissions. I go from having 0 comms to work on to 4+ overnight, during a period I technically don't have comms open. It makes it so I dread when I do get a request because I know it's going to lead to at minimum 3 more in a very short period.

Considering how rarely the perk is used and how much of a headache it becomes when it is, I think it might be better to just remove it. I don't want to lead people on with it. I also don't want people joining up just for the sole purpose of commissioning me, then leaving, which is a problem introduced by the perk. I don't know what kind of formal system would work in its stead.

If ya'll have idea, thoughts, suggestions, or complaints, feel free to share.



I was on that tier for a while, but I never got around to actually commissioning you for various reasons. I would like to still have the option open, but I understand if you don't enjoy doing comms.


I am interested in thinking of some idea or solution or alternative, btw. The thing is I don't really do comms for money--I do them because people *really* want them and I feel kinda feel obligated. If I have comms open, it usually means I'm struggling with something financially. The problem with free for all style comms when i feel like it, i just won't ever do them cause I won't feel like them. if I do a fixed number each month, that gets dicey when quality / project size comes into play (e.g. a sketch vs a multi char render).


If it gives you a headache, I can see why you'd want to remove it. However, if it was to stick around, maybe some restrictions could be placed on what type of commission it can be. i.e. only a sketch, or only bust up ect.

Rick Francis K

If it's going to become a pain in the ass, remove it, pronto. But If you feel like finding an alternative, make it waaay more expensive than $10. Perhaps $200 (as a minimum). It should deter random people from joining for the sole purpose of commissions, and it would cost them extra just to keep the role (even without using it). But all things considered, I'd say you should just get rid of the comms @ any time perk, if it's more of a nuisance than a $$$ aid.